Well, you know, so much of the time we're just lost
你明白 我们虚耗了太多光阴
We say, "Please, God, tell us what is right, tell us what is true"
I mean, there is no justice
The rich win, the poor are powerless
富者称王 贫人力不从心
We become tired of hearing people lie
And after a time we become dead, a little dead
多年以后 我们都会逝去 成为尸躯
We think of ourselves as victims, and we become victims
我们若认为自己有罪 我们便成为罪人
We become, we become
我们渐渐变成 逐渐沦为陌生的自我
We become weak, we doubt ourselves, we doubt our beliefs, and we doubt the law
我们变得软弱 怀疑自己 质疑信仰 质疑法条
But today you are the law
而如今你便是金科玉律 至高无上
1.Our History Will Be What We Make of It
3.Sing the Word Hope in Four Part Harmony
4.Accept and Embrace
5.How to Have *** With a Ghost
6.Last Time This Year
7.You Can't Shake Hands With a Clenched Fist