I felt the grass on my chest in the open field
我在开阔的空地上 感受着胸腔下的杂草
And I knew there was nothing left for me to feel
我也知道 除了它们 我什么都无法感受
Airplanes above cross the sky under a haze
头顶上是飞机 飞机穿越了天空 天空下是阴霾
In the morning time we didn't think about our days
在早晨 人们不考虑他们的一天
可当我们躺下时 风正吹过我们的发隙
The wind was blowing through our hair as we lied down
也许除了杂草 我们也能通过背部感受到“地球是圆的”
And we could feel under our backs that the earth was round
Lazy today, lazy tonight and later on
在太阳下 我们所要做的 就是什么也不做
All we had to do was nothing at all, under the sun