I don’t need luxury brands to look stylish
Drake and Montana shit I don’t need no stylist
德雷克和麦当娜 哼 我不需要造型师
I prefer to just wear sweats with some sneakers on
But I’ll still look like I just got off a catwalk woo
但是我还是看起来像直接从T台上走下来 喔
I got necks turning
Make eye contact and now their face is burning
一个对视 就能让她们害羞脸红
Looking like they had a few shots and got Asian glow
仿佛她们都喝了几杯 然后有了“亚洲脸红”(亚洲人因为基因不同所以喝酒之后比较容易脸红)
I know they thinking to themselves “Oo I hope he’s solo”
我知道她们自己心里想“哦吼 我希望他是单身呢”
Ha you got a good poker face
哈 你真是有着一张很优秀的扑克脸呢
But I can read you like a picture book you can’t hide it
但是我可以像看图画书一样读懂你 你藏不住的
I’ll take you back to my place let’s unwind a bit
Put some Netflix on you got a show you watching at the moment?
打开网飞(视频点播网站) 你现在有在追的剧吗?
Nah well it don’t really matter though
没有啊 那好吧 不过这也没什么关系
It’s just gonna be background music in a few more minutes
It’s just gonna be drowning out the sound of you moaning
All night long till the early morning
Payday Payday Payday
发薪日 发薪日 发薪日
Let me turn that thang into money
Hundreds Hundreds
Payday Payday Payday
发薪日 发薪日 发薪日
Let me turn that thang into money
D-Dolla Dolla Dolla
钱啊 钱啊 钱
Flip flip it up I flip it up flip flip I flip it up
翻呀 翻呀 我翻出花儿来
Flip flip it up I flip it up flip flip I flip it up
翻呀 翻呀 我把这些都翻成钱
Uh haters are gonna hate (Hate)
Uh so it don’t matter either way
Yeah they gonna be taking things outta context and be
是啊 反正他们会断章取义
Mistranslating everything we say anyway (Twist twist)
反正都会错误翻译我们所说的一字一句(歪曲 变形)
If I show up in sweats they gonna say
如果我穿着运动服出现 他们就会说
Why you looking like a bum you a public figure uh
你怎么像个流浪汉一样 你是公众人物啊
Rock luxury brands they gonna say
He only wears high end fashion he a gold digger (What?)
他只穿高端时尚品牌 他是一个淘金者(啥?)
Lemme tell you. Tell you right now it don’t really matter what I wear
让我来告诉你 我现在就告诉你 这与我穿什么其实毫无关系
I can still steal your girl yeah life’s unfair
我还是能挖你墙角 是啊 生活就不是公平的
Guys like me we’re like them holographic shadowless Pokemon cards we rare (Yeah)
像我这样的人啊 我们就像是全息无影神奇宝贝卡 我们可稀有了 (耶)
So, what you know about my life? (Watcha know?)
You only see the highlights (Highlights oo)
你只看到了最精彩的部分 (高亮)
But like I said I don’t care cuz I know eventually
但是正如我所说 我不在乎 因为我知道最终
Ya’ll are gonna grow and gain some hindsight
你们都会长大 然后事后领悟
Payday Payday Payday
发薪日 发薪日 发薪日
Let me turn that thang into money
Hundreds Hundreds
Payday Payday Payday
发薪日 发薪日 发薪日
Let me turn that thang into money
D-Dolla Dolla Dolla
钱啊 钱啊 钱
Flip flip it up I flip it up flip flip I flip it up
翻呀 翻呀 我翻出花儿来
Flip flip it up I flip it up flip flip I flip it up
翻呀 翻呀 我把这些都翻成钱
위로 올라가 Smoking shisha
向上飘 吸着Shisha(就是水烟)
물 담배 얘기야 이거 민트향
是在说水烟 这个是薄荷香味的
OOTD 보여 로고 가슴에 위치함
给你们看每日穿搭 Logo就在胸前这个位置
사랑해 팬들 근데 리셀러들을 밀쳐 난
我爱你们 粉丝们啊 但是 我推开了中间经销商
물리치료 필요해 의사 소견 Flex little
需要物理治疗 医生的意见是要稍微弯(flex也有炫耀的意思)一下
옥탑 누가 원해 I'm livin' my life below zero
谁想要住屋塔房啊 我是住在0层以下的
어지럽도록 빨대 꽂고 빨아 난 공을 위로
到让人眩晕的程度 插上吸管 吸起来 我在球(对应下句)上面
메뉴 이름 제안해 공차에 How ‘bout bubble it up
我来提议菜单名 在贡茶店里 加点儿珍珠如何呢(也可理解为升至表面,有所突破)
Shout out to melody and my man Peniel
얘는 고민도 안 하고 내게 옷 준 애야
수퍼비가 들고 있던 Green umbrella를
보고 천명 넘게 모았어 우린 어소에다
聚集了一千多人 在我们的御殿(或代指演唱会)里
옷을 벗어 판 돈 안 썼어 Bust down에
脱了衣服 没有把卖出的这些钱花在镶钻炫耀上
대기실에 나만 휑해 목이 머쓱하네
在待机室里 只有我脖子上空荡荡的 真是有些尴尬呢
I'm down to talk 괜히 폰만 보지 않네
我可以聊聊 不会平白无故只看手机的
크리스티아누 결장했대 Get the **** outta here
罗纳尔多退役了啊 给老子滚出去
Payday Payday Payday
发薪日 发薪日 发薪日
Let me turn that thang into money
Hundreds Hundreds
Payday Payday Payday
发薪日 发薪日 发薪日
Let me turn that thang into money
D-Dolla Dolla Dolla
钱啊 钱啊 钱
Flip flip it up I flip it up flip flip I flip it up
翻呀 翻呀 我翻出花儿来
Flip flip it up I flip it up flip flip I flip it up
翻呀 翻呀 我把这些都翻成钱