Mamma said keep it moving pops said keep em grooving
妈妈说继续前进 爸爸说保持这节奏
Haters told me I was losing and my life was an illusion
恨我的人嘲笑着我的生活 想宣告我的失败
But the ciphers and the blues in with the melody is sorrow
Motion in the violence makes the silence of tomorrow
Cause and effect meet the pause and regret
When you lost where to step every cost is a debt
失去方向 举步维艰
True, ahhh I breathe into the sunlight
沐浴着阳光 深吸一口气
Product of my people heaven help me raise my son right
我知道天堂里的那位挚爱与我同在 一同抚养我们的孩子长大
Day fight nighttime is the love
昼夜轮转 唯爱恒久弥新
Next day love night fight why is it huh?
Motion wind blow she go in the night
Ocean take the ashes move on is it right
人海茫茫 她的余烬被海浪带走
I think about it take the oxygen pull in my lungs
And watch em gentrify the hood like they loving the slums
他们对兜帽爱不释手 假装喜欢贫民窟生活
Aw, the move is gangster, gutter then glorified
真的匪徒已开始动身 终将从贫贱走向荣耀
I lose my mind recline turn it up and ride.
We'll aim for the sky on the way we'll learn to fly high
仰望天空 寻找高飞的方法
Where we might land it can't all be planned
飞往哪里 我们都不会知晓
But as long as we take our journey steadily
then we'll go with the flow of the motion
Life's really one big journey, so(It's the motion and we coastin and we floatin wide open hey)
生命真是一场宏伟的旅程(在生命的洪流中 我们踏浪而行 我们到处漂泊)
we can only roll with that motion(It's the motion and we coastin and we floatin wide open hey)
我们只能随着人海的浪潮翻涌(在生命的洪流中 我们踏浪而行 我们到处漂泊)
Let's just keep on moving on(It's the motion and we coastin and we floatin wide open hey)
让我们继续前行(在生命的洪流中 我们踏浪而行 我们到处漂泊)
floating, coasting, rolling with that ever flow rolling with the flow(It's the motion and we coastin and we floatin wide open hey)
一同漂流,一同滑行,与浪潮一同涌动(在生命的洪流中 我们踏浪而行 我们到处漂泊)
Yes, we'll be rolling with the flow
是的 我们将随浪潮翻涌
and we'll be coasting
踏浪而行 抵达彼岸
and we'll be floating with the motion
跟随行动 找寻方向
Mamma said keep it moving pops said keep em grooving
妈妈说继续前进 爸爸说保持这节奏
Yo I can't see me losing standing on the corner boozing
Day after day choosing life or death my breath
The new president is fresh but will it stop the stress
新的总统上任 能否改变局势
Argue over who's more blessed organized religions a mess
混乱争论不休 乞求上天厚爱
I disciple solar cuz I spectacular
而我赞美太阳 因我心如灼日
Ghetto culture worldwide love is in my lingo
街头文化传向世界 爱是我们交流密语
Moving at the speed of life vice it be my thing though.
We'll aim for the sky on the way we'll learn to fly high
仰望天空 寻找高飞的方法
Where we might land it can't all be planned
飞往哪里 我们都不会知晓
But as long as we take our journey steadily
then we'll go with the flow of the motion
Life's really one big journey, so(It's the motion and we coastin and we floatin wide open hey)
生命真是一场宏伟的旅程(在生命的洪流中 我们踏浪而行 我们到处漂泊)
we can only roll with that motion(It's the motion and we coastin and we floatin wide open hey)
我们只能随着人海的浪潮翻涌(在生命的洪流中 我们踏浪而行 我们到处漂泊)
Let's just keep on moving on(It's the motion and we coastin and we floatin wide open hey)
让我们继续前行(在生命的洪流中 我们踏浪而行 我们到处漂泊)
floating, coasting, rolling with that ever flow rolling with the flow(It's the motion and we coastin and we floatin wide open hey)
一同漂流,一同滑行,与浪潮一同涌动(在生命的洪流中 我们踏浪而行 我们到处漂泊)
Yes, we'll be rolling with the flow
是的 我们将随浪潮翻涌
and we'll be coasting
踏浪而行 抵达彼岸
and we'll be floating with the motion
漂往远方 心之所向
Feels good!
We'll floatin with the motion
Life's really one big journey, so(It's the motion and we coastin and we floatin wide open hey)
生命真是一场宏伟的旅程(在生命的洪流中 我们踏浪而行 我们到处漂泊)
we can only roll with that motion(It's the motion and we coastin and we floatin wide open hey)
我们只能随着人海的浪潮翻涌(在生命的洪流中 我们踏浪而行 我们到处漂泊)
Let's just keep on moving on(It's the motion and we coastin and we floatin wide open hey)
让我们继续前行(在生命的洪流中 我们踏浪而行 我们到处漂泊)
floating, coasting, rolling with that ever flow rolling with the flow(And as the night turns day)
Yes, we'll be rolling with the flow(The cycle moves on)
是的 我们将随浪潮翻涌(循环无穷无尽)
and we'll be coasting(It really don't stop do it?)
踏浪而行 漂往远方(不会停下 对吧)
and we'll be floating with the motion(It's the motion ya'll. Vibrate, vibrations)
抵达彼岸 心之所向(行动的力量 唱针在振动)
Hey yo the lights in the city like flickering ashes
城市灯火阑珊 脑海残念忽现
The sights from the gritty as the beautiful passes
满目荒凉砂砾 心中美好已逝
Ignites all the pretty what you see when you pass is
Day after day as the moonlight flashes
It's more about the feeling
Let go of your understanding of how you been and
To all my people living and to all of those who passed
We send it out to you don't let your lifetime flash
及时行乐 抓住这稍纵即逝的一生
We've got the motion baby!
2.Forever Yours(re:plus remix)
3.Peace of Mine
4.Eyes Like Blue Skies
5.Hey Mama
6.Simple Love
7.Shine A Light
8.With You
10.Running Out Of Time
11.Deacon Blu(Produced by Blazo)
12.Trusting The Soul
14.The World Is Mine
15.I'll Be Doin That Today
16.Flow Of Life(Alan de Laniere remix)