Someone (feat. Oriel Poole)

Someone to hold, someone to mold my soul.
有人以身拥抱 塑造我的灵魂
Someone to cry, someone to share the ground.
有人大声哭泣 分享我以土地
Someone to help, someone to help me out.
有人弯躯伸手 救我脱离困境
Someone to fly, someone to ride my time.
有人犹如飞鸟 挥翅便是蹉跎
Someone to hold me and never let go.
有人与我生死与共 祸福相依
Someone to show me what its really about.
有人待我善心诚意 告知真理
Someone to know me and work it all out.
有人懂我心之所向 所求所想
Someone to warm me, a delicacy.
有人爱我以身暖心 体贴入微
Someone to hold, someone to mold my soul.
有人以身拥抱 塑造我的灵魂
Someone to cry, someone to share the ground.
有人大声哭泣 分享我以土地
Someone to help, someone to help me out.
有人弯躯伸手 救我脱离困境
Someone to fly, someone to ride my time.
有人犹如飞鸟 挥翅便是蹉跎
Someone to hold me and never let go.
有人与我生死与共 祸福相依
Someone to show me what its really about.
有人待我善心诚意 告知真理
Someone to know me and work it all out.
有人懂我心之所向 所求所想
Someone to warm me, a delicacy.
有人爱我以身暖心 体贴入微
1.Someone (feat. Oriel Poole)
3.The Touch
4.Fits the Bill
5.Terminally Chill
7.Metal Tho
8.Feeding Time