No more everyone be talking about same goddamn *******t
该死, 大家最近都说那件事
Every ******* time I've already gotta doing the *******t that nobody notice I am
La La yeah
哎, 好吧
I said I'm sorry
I ain't got diamonds dancing on my wrist I'm sorry
我手腕上没有闪烁的钻石, 对不起
That I ain't braggin'bout by ******* no ******* I'm sorry
我也不会去炫耀我的妞儿, 对不起
That I ain't like these other *******s though I'm sorry
我也不喜欢其他那群黑鬼, 对不起
I'm just worried about my fegis though I'm sorry
我只是担心自己就像个懦夫, 对不起
I ain't got diamonds dancing on my wrist I'm sorry
我手腕上没有闪烁的钻石, 对不起
That I ain't braggin'bout by ******* no ******* I'm sorry
我也不会去炫耀我的妞儿, 对不起
That I ain't like these other *******s though I'm sorry
我也不喜欢其他那群黑鬼, 对不起
I'm just worried about my fegis though I'm sorry
我只是担心自己就像个懦夫, 对不起
Yo bad happend beg mercy is my favor
是啊, 关于那些糗事我只能祈祷
I ain't got no sign who is my main chicken is asian
And she is yell to tellin' me this time, just be patient
她总是冲我嚷嚷别急, 耐心点儿
I'm just trying to live when no worries caught cautions
I dun even care made hit afraid of policeman
No one got nothing to do what I want just ******* take this
兄弟们都有自己的事情, 我只想好好做自己
Oh I still got my soul it never got laze
庆幸我还能感觉到我落魄的灵魂, 还没那么迟钝
******* do it all man, I'mma almost face it
去做吧, 兄弟, 我终要面对这一切
I said I'm sorry
I ain't got diamonds dancing on my wrist I'm sorry
我手腕上没有闪烁的钻石, 对不起
That I ain't braggin'bout by ******* no ******* I'm sorry
我也不会去炫耀我的妞儿, 对不起
That I ain't like these other *******s though I'm sorry
我也不喜欢其他那群黑鬼, 对不起
I'm just worried about myself though I'm sorry
我只是在担心我自己, 对不起
I ain't got diamonds dancing on my wrist I'm sorry
我手腕上没有闪烁的钻石, 对不起
That I ain't braggin'bout by ******* no ******* I'm sorry
我也不会去炫耀我的妞儿, 对不起
That I ain't like these other *******s though I'm sorry
我也不喜欢其他那群黑鬼, 对不起
I'm just worried about fegis though I'm sorry
我只是担心自己就像个懦夫, 对不起
******* you *******, please give him they say
够了, 碧池, 给他想要的吧
Raise a blay scum bot gang
Homie thats a real amazing race
生活往复, 努力做个好人, 我保持着努力的步伐
Run in circle run a man, I keep amazing pace
那些老哥们儿从来不会主动打招呼, 因为他们要面子
Old homie is never saying hi, Cuz they save the face
西海岸如今没落, 就像Snoop (西海岸歌手)
West Coast on the end though, like Snoop
我的妞儿脑子里全是票子, 套路我
If you talking money, ******* you'd keep me in the loop
渐渐我也在成长, 意识到这些
I was growing up the way before I left the coop
Now would so many business went when go in call the troops
大家正忙着"嗨" 你也来点儿吧, 哥们
All ya catch feed ****, prefer to feed you
白妞儿们冲着我们逼逼, 嚷嚷着
White girl talking *******t like she wants yell at you
哥们儿你安静点儿, 我要撩个妹
Mad homie I wanna feed you, I gotta flirt a girl
这些妞儿觉得老子很粗鲁, 但我却有个美丽的女孩
Mad ******* thinks I'm saucy, I got a pretty girl
Sucm boy是个牛逼的帮派
Scum boy that's a sick team
I've been known my guys since I was 16
If you talking *******t you would come up missing
我们在一天天厉害起来, 兄弟你别特么再抱怨了
We've been on the rise, homie quit you ******* *******ing
1.im srry..