Meet in the Middle

I'm afraid to open up my mind
Hide behind what's safe and sound
Setting up my walls, not being found
筑起屏障 不愿任何人寻到我的踪迹
But you're getting close to tearing down
但渐渐地 我几乎想要将心防卸下
Chasing your dream, you're wanting more
去追逐属于你的梦想 你却渴望更多
Fall asleep with open doors
You're all that I'm not, it's scaring me
你与我犹如天差地别 那无不使我惧怕
How do I know you're ready?
Baby, what if we could meet in the middle?
亲爱的 我们能否在彼此遥远的距离中间见个面?
We both need to take a leap to the middle
我们只需放下恐惧 纵身一跃至你我中间
I think we both know that we give it a little
我觉得 我们明白彼此都应该付出更多一点
Baby, what if we could meet in the middle?
亲爱的 我们能否在彼此遥远的距离中间见个面?
I have lost myself in self control
Reasoning weighs more than gold
你的心更宽广 你的灵魂更广大
You got bigger heart and bigger soul
教教我 该如何学着释怀
Teach me how to let it go
去追逐属于你的梦想 你却渴望更多
Chasing your dream, you're wanting more
Fall asleep with open doors
你与我犹如天差地别 那无不使我惧怕
You're all that I'm not, it's scaring me
How do I know you're ready?
亲爱的 我们能否在彼此遥远的距离中间见个面?
Baby, what if we could meet in the middle?
我们只需放下恐惧 纵身一跃至你我中间
We both need to take a leap to the middle
我觉得 我们明白彼此都应该付出更多一点
I think we both know that we give it a little
亲爱的 我们能否在彼此遥远的距离中间见个面?
Baby, what if we could meet in the middle?
亲爱的 我们能否在彼此遥远的距离中间见个面?
我们只需放下恐惧 纵身一跃至你我中间
Baby, what if we could meet in the middle?
我觉得 我们明白彼此都应该付出更多一点
We both need to take a leap to the middle
亲爱的 我们能否在彼此遥远的距离中间见个面?
I think we both know that we give it a little
Baby, what if we could meet in the middle?
2.Meet in the Middle
4.White Light