Bathyalpelagic Ii: The Wish in Dreams

And when the day arrives I will be petrified
Pressure is increasing with every meter that we sink
But I won't let it get inside of me
We're still too far away to be afraid
I wanted to shape and change them
But it's they who've changed me
I wanted to get on top of them
But they wouldn't let me
They're as elusive as air
As soon as we name them they are gone
Their meaning disappears
Melts like an icicle in the sun
I wanted to shape and change them
But it's they who've changed me
I wanted to get inside of them
But they wouldn't let me in
How much control do we have over what we wish for
How much control do we have over what we wish for
How many decisions we take are rational
How much is intentional
1.Bathyalpelagic Ii: The Wish in Dreams
2.Mesopelagic: Into the Uncanny
4.Mesopelagic: Into the Uncanny (Instrumental Version)
5.*********** Ii: Let Them Believe
6.Bathyalpelagic I: Impasses
7.Demersal: Cognitive Dissonance
8.Demersal: Cognitive Dissonance (Instrumental Version)
9.Abyssopelagic Ii: Signals of Anxiety
10.Bathyalpelagic Iii: Disequillibrated
11.Bathyalpelagic Iii: Disequillibrated (Instrumental Version)
12.Abyssopelagic Ii: Signals of Anxiety (Instrumental Version)
13.Abyssopelagic I: Boundless Vasts (Instrumental Version)
14.Epipelagic (Instrumental Version)
15.Bathyalpelagic I: Impasses (Instrumental Version)
16.Abyssopelagic I: Boundless Vasts
17.Benthic: The Origin of Our Wishes
18.Bathyalpelagic Ii: The Wish in Dreams (Instrumental Version)
19.*********** I: Omen of the Deep (Instrumental Version)
20.*********** I: Omen of the Deep
21.*********** Ii: Let Them Believe (Instrumental Version)
22.Benthic: The Origin of Our Wishes (Instrumental Version)