For He that Wavereth...

One is supposed to be submerged into belief
Somehow by a miracle
And from then on to swim in it
As in the least ambiguous of elements
And even just a glance towards land
The thought that one perhaps might be there ah
Oh for something else as well as swimming
Even the slightest impulse
Of our amphibious nature is sin
What they want is an eternal song over the waves
In which reason has drowned
1.The Grand Inquisitor III: A Tiny Grain of Faith
2.The Grand Inquisitor I: Karamazov Baseness
3.The Almightiness Contradiction
4.She was the Universe
5.Sewers of the Soul
6.Heaven TV
7.For He that Wavereth...
9.The Grand Inquisitor II: Roots & Locusts
10.Wille Zum Untergang