The Days Of Old -Paris
(Paris是80s末出道的旧金山说唱歌手 以歌词包含高度的政治化与社会敏感而闻名 曾是Nation Of Islam核心成员之一)
Reminiscin'back when I was only a child
Back in the days of living carefree lifestyles
As long as we wasn't caught being bad was cool
觉得只要不进局子 当个坏蛋就非常酷
And we were never at a loss for something to get into
并且就算进去了 我们也从不会有什么损失
Children in the neighborhood down at the park
孩子们在邻里之间 在公园之中
Sunny days when we played at the old schoolyard
Where kicking it live was a familiar scene
悠然自得的生活 再正常不过
Kenny m and big gene know what I mean
我的哥们Kenny M.和Big Gene绝对懂我的意思
But nowadays it seems life just ain't the same
但现在 活着的方式都变得不一样了
Everybody's involved in the game or a gang
大家不是泡妞把妹 就是深陷帮派深渊之中
And when we die it seem like nobody cares
当我们都死了(指混帮派的某一个黑人死了) 似乎也没人会在乎
It ain't no love in they cold hearted stares
在冷眼之中 得不到一丝丝关爱
Thinking of payback of making a hit
于是我想到挣票子 做一些能打榜的歌
Now cowboys and Indians become real life shit
但生活不就像《Cowboys And Indians》里的剧情一样该死吗
And life means nothing when the heart is cold
当心死了 生命也就没有了所谓的意义
It ain't the same as the days of old
Yeah it ain't the same as the days of old
It's a unity thing much love for my people here
But what good is love if the people don't really care
但是当人们都不在乎“爱”了 又有什么意义呢?
The triggers are cold at the OK corral
在匪帮火并的地方 手枪扳机冰冷 子弹无眼
But it ain't OK when my people live foul
但当我的兄弟们都去干这些坏事了 那是多令我揪心啊
Another sad case of the black on black
It's a fact some of our people don't know how to act
所以事实上 有些人根本不懂得如何做人
Can't go to the club can't go to the store
Can't chill with your girl can't go to the show
Can't do anything without some fool acting up
因为不想看到脑子有坑的人闹事 你哪都不能去
You start to believe that black folk are savage but
Before you do allow me to say
但在你这么想之前 麻烦我插一句
That in the old days we didn't act that way see
从前 我们根本不是这样的
Kings and queens were the names of the righteous
But the sons of slaves are insane and we might just
Self destruct and erupt without a chance to grow
事实如果真的是这样 那我们还不如自我毁灭 别再世世代代祸害别人
This ain't the days of old
但现在的日子 物是人非
Damn this ain't the days of old
I don't know c'mon
There is no match for a United America a determined America an
(布什的演说) 一个团结的美国 一个有决心的美国 和...
Angry America our outrage against the ploy unites us brings us
一个愤怒的美国 都是无可匹敌的 对于那些阴谋诡计共同的愤怒
Together behind this one plan of action an assault on every front
Better wake up
So I say what will it take before we change up
所以 到底什么样教训才能让真正我们改变呢?
Some more of us dead or more of us locked up
Or maybe even more of us will blame the white man
Before we understand now the problem's not him
其实最终有一天 我们也终会知道这些问题根本与他们无关
What I'm telling ya is actual fact
I'm ain't pro human cuz all humans ain't pro black
我不是一个心怀人类的人 因为人类哪里会把黑人放心上啊
Remember in your mind that there still exists
所以请记住 在你的精神里 至少还存在一个合理的路子
A plan to bring down a black fist
See the struggle is uphill life's at a standstill
困顿而停滞不前的生活(North Cali土话uphill struggle 指的是十分困难的境地)
Jack popped Jill now he don't act real
And every living moment got her singing the blues
而且每时每刻 他都逼着她唱Blues音乐
Her sole provider can't afford the baby's shoes
身为家里的顶梁柱 他甚至买不起一双给孩子的鞋
That's the cycle so many of us go through
其实 这就是我们(升华 包括后面的‘’我们‘’皆指整个美国黑人群体)很多人都在经历的在世轮回
America's black holocaust continues
And I just hope we wake up soon before we fold
I miss the days of old
我(我们)是多么怀念过往 怀念那早已逝去的岁月
Damn I miss the days of old
该死 我是多么想念过去的日子
Listen it ain't the same as the days of old
1.Assata's Song
2.Guerrillas in the Mist
3.The Days of Old
4.Bush Killa
5.Conspiracy of Silence
6.Make Way for a Panther
7.The Enema (Live at the White House) [Live at the White House]
8.Funky Lil' Party
9.Thinka 'Bout It
10.Sleeping With the Enemy
11.House ****** Bleed Too
12.Check It Out Ch'all
14.Bush Killa [*]
15.Long Hot Summer
16.Coffee, Donuts & Death