Plainsong (Remastered)

"I think it's dark and it looks like it's rain"you said
我想天黑了 就像雨悄然而至 你说
"And the wind is blowing like it's the end of the world"you said
风声依旧 仿佛立于世界的尽头 你说
"And it's so cold it's like the cold if you were dead"
如此冷寂的世界 如你死后躯体的冰冷
And you smiled for a second
"I think I'm old and I'm feeling pain"you said
我想我是老了 内心隐隐作痛 你说
"And it's all running out like it's the end of the world"you said
一切掠夺一空 仿佛立于世界的尽头 你说
"And it's so cold it's like the cold if you were dead"
如此冷寂的世界 如你死后躯体的冰冷
Then you smiled for a second
Sometimes you make me feel
Like I'm living at the edge of the world
Like I'm living at the edge of the world
"It's just the way I smile"you said
那正如我淡然的一笑 你说
1.Pictures Of You (Remastered)
2.Disintegration (Remastered)
3.Plainsong (Remastered)
4.Fascination Street (Remastered)
5.Closedown (Remastered)
6.Lovesong (Remastered)
7.Last Dance (Remastered)
8.Lullaby (Remastered)
9.Prayers For Rain (Remastered)
10.The Same Deep Water As You (Remastered)
11.Homesick (Remastered)
12.Untitled (Remastered)