when sundown pales the moody sky
i lost my faith in you
the waves down by the sea are high
from all the tears i cry
you’re like the wind and I’m the sea
our love a ship to care
but we don’t hear the sirens call
as we head for a fall
caught in the middle
caught in between
the wind and the deep blue sea
the wind carries the things too far
and in the maelstrom sea
the ship sinks with our love to ground
and will be never found
years are hazy days are slow
seasons come and reasons go
scared of you i move no longer
knowing that the wind is stronger
caught in the middle
caught in between
the wind and the deep blue sea
1.Caught In The Middle
3.Before Too Long
4.Song Of Silence
5.Nuit Magique
6.Hidden Treasure
7.Song For Maggie
9.Don't Think Twice, It's All Right
10.Travel In Order Not To Arrive
11.Easy Game
12.Nothing Lasts For Long
13.Wann Ist Es Liebe