You’re In My Heart

I didn't know what day it was
我不懂 这是怎样的一天
when you walked into the room
当你 步入这房间
I said hello unnoticed
我说你好 不经意间
You said goodbye too soon
你说再见 再见还为时尚早
Breezing through the clientele
微风拂过 信步闲庭
spinning yarns that were so lyrical
情牵一线~绕指柔,剪不断 理还乱~似耍猴
I really must confess right here
在这一点上 我真的必须承认
the attraction was purely physical
这吸引 是如此纯粹而自然
You're in my heart you're in my soul
你绊我心 你牵我魂 ~怎样也不肯滚
You'll be my breath should I grow old
你将如我的呼吸 伴我终老
You are my lover you're my best friend
你是我的爱侣 你是我的挚友
You're in my soul
My love for you is immeasurable
我对你的爱意 已不可估量 ~似黄河泛滥 连绵不绝
My respect for you immense
我予你的敬仰 已无以复加 ~ 如大便干燥 郁结难抒
You're ageless timeless lace and fineness
你是系于永恒的永恒上 精致的蕾丝带
You're beauty and elegance
你是美好 和优雅
You're a rhapsody a comedy
你是狂想 是荒诞
You're a symphony and a play
你是乐章 和剧本
You're every love song ever written
But honey what do you see in me
但亲爱的 什么是你眼中的我?
1.You’re In My Heart
2.Happy Bubble
3.Farewell (for Byul)
4.Hot Sauce
5.Hey Bob
6.Quando, Quando, Quando
7.Pretty Brown Eyes
8.Melon Man
10.Holidays Without You
11.Winter Blues
12.Cannot Forget (못잊어)
13.Who Are You(Bossa Nova Version)
14.Men Are No Good