That's How I Got To Memphis

If you love somebody enough you'll follow wherever they go
如果你真的足够爱一个人 你一定会追随着她到天涯海角
That's how I got to Memphis, that's how I got to Memphis
If you love somebody enough you'll go where your heart wants to go
如果你真的足够爱一个人 你的心 从此便被她牵制着走
That's how I got to Memphis, that's how I got to Memphis
I know if you'd seen her you'd tell me 'cause you are my friend
我知道你看见她就一定会告诉我 因为我清楚 你是我的朋友
I've got to find her and find out the trouble she's in
我要去找到她 去搞清楚她正陷入的麻烦
If you tell me that she's not here I'll follow the trail of her tears
如果你告诉我 她不在这里 那我就跟着她留下的泪痕 一直走
That's how I got to Memphis, that's how I got to Memphis
She would get mad and she used to say
她也许会生气 因为她曾说过
That she'd come back to Memphis someday
终有一天 她会回到孟菲斯的
That's how I got to Memphis, that's how I got to Memphis
I haven't eaten a bite or slept for three days and nights
我已经三日三夜 不吃不睡
That's how I got to Memphis, that's how I got to Memphis
I've got to find her and tell her that I love her so
我要找到她 告诉她 我有多么地爱她
I'll never rest 'til I find out why she had to go
我永远都不会停下来 直到我知道她离开的理由
Thank you for your precious time, forgive me if I start to cry
感谢你用宝贵的时间听我倾诉 如果我开始泪流不止 请你原谅我
That's how I got to Memphis, that's how I got to Memphis
That's how I got to Memphis, that's how I got to Memphis
That's how I got to Memphis, that's how I got to Memphis
That's how I got to Memphis
1.That's How I Got To Memphis