If only you can feel a thing so I can do the same 若你还能感受这一切,我才能不再麻木
Only you still know my name so I can beat this pain 若你还记得我名字,我才能战胜这苦痛
Trash the space and hide myself in piles of bones again 我彻底颓唐了这空间,把自己藏在骨堆里
Keep calm and pretend that I’m sane 保持冷静吧,假装我还有理智可言
Now everything is after me now prey on me like hell 现在所有一切都在追逼我了,疯狂地捕食着
Drug me down into the void take soul to somewhere else 把我的身体拖入深渊却又把灵魂带去了别的些什么地方
But every time I lose myself I gain a piece of you 但是每一次我失去自己时我仿佛就得到了一部分你
Dunno know if you suffer too 不知道你是否也苦于这样的循环中呢
女:Haven’t you look through my eyes 看进我的双眼
Don’t you save me tonight, you cannot save me tonight 不要想办法救我了因为你无能为力
It’s just about time 一切自有安排
Haven’t you look through my eyes 看进我的双眼
The twilight’s fading I’m just losing my mind 你看见了那正在死去的暮光和我残存的理智了吗?
Please just save me tonight, you gotta save me tonight 今晚请救救我吧,你一定要救救我
Everything will be fine, you told me right? 你曾说过一切都会好起来的,对吧?
If only this is just a dream so I won't show restraint 如果这一切是梦就好了,我便不需要再抑制自己
Only in the dream that I can be myself again 只有在梦里我才能再次成为自己
Sky‘s falling down and I always have that kind of strength 天塌下来我也能有那种力量
To hold the load like a giant 去承受那些背负,像个巨人一样
But I guess those days are long gone now and I'm back to cell 但我想那些日子是一去不复返了吧,我也已回到了这座监牢
Praying for something that could ignite all my wills 祈祷着能够有一些东西可以重新点燃我的意志
Something, shed a light, shed a light on what's more to my tales 一些可以照亮我余下的故事的东西
But I'm still sitting here, in the dark and looking 但很明显,我还是坐在这黑暗里,寻找着
女:Haven’t you look through my eyes 看进我的双眼
Don’t you save me tonight, you canno save me tonight 不要想办法救我了因为你无能为力
It’s just about time 一切自由安排
Haven’t you look through my eyes 看进我的双眼
The twilight’s fading I’m just losing my mind 你看见了那正在死去的暮光和我残存的理智了吗?
Please just save me tonight, you gotta save me tonight 今晚请救救我吧,请一定要救救我
Everything will be fine, you told me right? 你说过,一切都会好起来的,对吧?
说唱:Now it’s god knows how many days after that 现在已经不知道过去了多少时日了
I still ain’t gonna quit, but how for long I don’t know 我还是不愿意就这么放弃的,但是我也不知道还能撑多久了
“Nobody knows what future holds, son” “没人可以预知未来会发生什么,孩子”
I’m even using my batman voice now 我都开始使用我的蝙蝠侠声音了
But I can’t really count on this to make me feel better about my situation 但是我应该指望着这个让自己感觉好一些吗?呵呵
But I need to be brave to face 但是我还是得勇敢地面对
The choice you make which would be the loads I have to take 你所做的选择,因为它们成为了我必须承受的背负
I wouldn’t take shelter in the arms of my mama 我不会在我妈妈的怀里寻找庇护
What happens happens that’s why we called it karma 该发生的总会发生不然为什么这世上有因果业报一说呢
I gotta swallow what you left me even if it’s a piece of **** and pull myself all together for I got a life to live 我必须吞下你留下的苦果无论这有多么困难,我也必须重振旗鼓,只因为我还活着
There is something inside of me that feasts on every flash of memory, and the only thing I can do is to say no please 我能感受到自己身体里有一种东西,吞噬着我每一帧的回忆,而我对此无能为力只能说一句“不要!”
You take that for granted, and I regret about it, you take away so easily and I can’t do nothing about it yeah 你把一切都当作理所当然了,而我后悔也迟了。我也无法阻止你带走你觉得属于你的这一切
there goes my rage and this time I chose to embrace it 我现在怒火中烧了但是这一次我觉得拥抱这愤怒
It wouldn’t make a difference to be or not to be, it wouldn’t make a difference whether I still believe 生存还是毁灭都已不重要了,我是否还相信那些在你像对待垃圾一般践踏我的理想时
In something I should gave up on a long time ago right about the time when you did and trample on my dreams like its garbage 我就早应该放弃的东西也已经不重要了
I’ll show you what the thing is, what the thing in my eyes, 我会证明给你看的,我所相信的东西,在我的眼里闪烁的
The thing you thought filthy, the thing inside of me 你觉得很不堪的,在我的身体里流动的
女:Haven’t you look through my eyes 看进我的眼
Don’t you save me tonight, you canno save me tonight 不要想办法救我了因为你无能为力
It’s just about time 一切自由安排
Haven’t you look through my eyes 看进我的眼
The twilight’s fading I’m just losing my mind 你看见了那正在死去的暮光和我残存的理智了吗?
Please just save me tonight, you gotta save me tonight 今晚请救救我吧,请一定要救救我
Everything will be fine, you told me right? 你说过,一切都会好起来的,对吧?
I look through your eyes 我看进了你的眼里
I saw the endless nights 我看见了无尽的黑夜
I look through your eyes 看进你的眼里
I saw eternal fire 我看见了永恒的火焰
I look through your eyes 看进你的眼
All the past time, that I can’t rewind 全是那些我无法回溯的时间
1.Look Through Your Eyes