She makes me wanna fly' with both feet on the ground
她使我飘飘欲仙 两脚着地却仍如翱翔半空
Takes me to this phase I don't wanna come down
带我到那令人乐不思蜀的时刻 我不要下来
Gives me something fresh' some one that is real
给我鲜活存在的事物 还有真真切切站在眼前的人
Separate from the rest makes me wanna feel
离开纷扰的外界 让我觉得
I've got the perfect invitation to a world that's full of smiles
我手中拿着一张完美的邀请函 通往充满欢歌笑语的世界
With our spirits free and wild
But it's a bittersweet sensation
Cause I'll never have her heart
因为 我从未获得她的芳心
无论如何(抵赖) 她都萦绕在我的脑海
No matter how I try' she's always on my mind
无论早晚 伴随着每一次呼吸 她的影像都挥之不去
At night every day and with every breathe I take' on the way
她真是要逼哭这个老实人啊 看着她的眼睛
She'll make the good man cry but' look deep into her eyes
难以置信地令人发疯的迷恋 多奇妙
Outrageous' make you crazy' it's amazing'
She's special' she's special' so special
漫步在沙滩上任由脚印撒下一串串 我听到浪花的冲撞
She's special' she's special' she's special' yeah' yeah
月光下并肩前行 十指紧扣
(可我)身边还只是一个并不真切的影子 多希望你能属于我
Footprints on the sand' hear the ocean crash
我把你紧紧封存在梦境中 锁着那些狂野的美梦不去开启
Underneath the moon walking hand in hand
我手中拿着一张完美的邀请函 通往充满欢歌笑语的世界
A shadow by my side' wishing you were mine
Keep you in my dreams locked deep inside
I've got the perfect invitation to a world that's full of smiles
因为 我从未获得她的芳心
With our spirits free and wild
无论如何(抵赖) 她都萦绕在我的脑海
But it's a bittersweet sensation
无论早晚 伴随着每一次呼吸 她的影像都挥之不去
Cause I'll never have her heart
她真是要逼哭这个老实人啊 看着她的眼睛
难以置信地令人发疯的迷恋 多奇妙 她是多么独特啊
No matter how I try' she's always on my mind
不好意思 姑娘 可我情愿跟随你
At night every day and with every breathe I take' on the way
我知道 当你夜半孤寂凄清之时 会接受我的吧
She'll make the good man cry but' look deep into her eyes
Outrageous' make you crazy' it's amazing' she's special
如果你要叫我过来的话 我就会在
无论如何(抵赖) 她都萦绕在我的脑海
I'm sorry you girl I will follow
无论早晚 伴随着每一次呼吸 她的影像都挥之不去
I know some day you'll want me' when your nights are cold and lonely
她真是要逼哭这个老实人啊 看着她的眼睛
I'll be the whisper in your ear
难以置信地令人发疯的迷恋 多奇妙
If ever you should call me I'll be here
No matter how I try' she's always on my mind
At night every day and with every breathe I take' on the way
She'll make the good man cry but' look deep into her eyes
Outrageous' make you crazy' it's amazing'
She's special' she's special' so special
She's special' she's special' she's special' yeah' yeah
She's special' she's special' so special
She's special' she's special' she's special.
2.Falling Down
3.Love Can't Wait
4.Jewel In Our Hearts
5.Not the Other Guy
6.Just One Kiss
7.Burning Up (feat. Briton “Briddy” Shaw)
8.Great Divide
9.So Far Away
10.Nothing Left to Lose
11.I'm Taking Off
14.Falling in Love Again