It's a thin thin line and I walk both sides of it
这是一条细细的线 而我走在线的两旁
See the other side, appear so tempting, worth dying for it
看到另一头的景色多么诱人 值得令人渴望
And your dreams, waking out of one
Absorbing your every thought
Worth risking it all for working its wonders and now for you
所有为探索梦想而冒的险 都值得尝试
Under the ocean, outcast with nowhere to go (nowhere to go, nowhere to go)
在大洋的另一头 流浪者无家可归
A brighter forecast where new winds will blow (we let it go, we let it go)
明媚的未来告诉我 新风将至
A storm is drawing near, come meet me when it's cleared
正在逼近的暴风雨 到最后会平静下来 使空气清新
Waste my youth chasing kites, I know it'll blow out of my hand
耗费青春 追赶风筝 我晓得 风筝还是会飘去的
Put your heads in the sand, there is nothing there to seek
埋头于沙中 我们一无所获
No discovery of mine will be safe in these seas
You feel a bitter taste on your tongue
Swallow your every wrong
Let yourselves be in your arms
深呼吸 让胸脯被罪恶感充斥
In it are worries now for you
Under the ocean, outcast with nowhere to go (nowhere to go, nowhere to go)
在大洋的另一头 流浪者无家可归
A brighter forecast where new winds will blow (we let it go, we let it go)
明媚的未来告诉我 新风将至
A storm is drawing near, come meet me when it's cleared
正在逼近的暴风雨 到最后会平静下来 使空气清新
Waste my youth chasing kites, I know it'll blow out of my hand
耗费青春 追赶风筝 我晓得 风筝还是会飘去
Overlooking our past, letting it go
鸟瞰着往事 随风飘零
A brighter forecast, new winds will blow
未来光明 新风将至
A storm is drawing near, come meet me when it's cleared
正逼近的风雨 消散殆尽后依旧是一片清净
Waste my youth chasing kites, I know we'll blow
趁着年轻去追风筝吧 即使知道它会飘去
1.chasing kites