If all this time we held under the ocean
长久以来 我们沉遁于万丈海底
Closing all the blinds of our embrace
皈入空门般 与世隔绝
Say anything to blank walls, keep your motion
对着空墙呢喃自语 且行且思
Some will send you out into a foreign place
但终有人 会送你逃往一处世外桃源
Wait up, I’ll meet you there
且行且慢 我也会抵达那里 与你相见
Wait up, I’ll see you on the other side
且行且慢 我也会与你相见 倘若重生
Wait up, I’ll be your friend
且行且慢 我终将会成为你的朋友
Wait up, I want to hold the air—without you
且行且慢 我屏住呼吸心中才无你
Living like I’m older gets me nowhere
活在当世 像一个大孩子般飘无定所
Time to take a walk over that bridge
是时候 去那座长堤桥上散步一程
Over my head, once was led, I swear it
脑海深处 曾几何时 我也能够控制住它
Nothing that is simple isn’t said
可世上没有事情 能简单到说说就能解决
Wait up, I’ll meet you there
且行且慢 我也会抵达那里 与你相见
Wait up, I’ll see you on the other side
且行且慢 我也会与你相见 倘若重生
Wait up, I’ll be your friend
且行且慢 我终将会成为你的朋友
Wait up, I want to hold the air—without you
且行且慢 我屏住呼吸心中才无你
This light is flickering
隐约间 灯火闪烁
Chemicals that make me sleep
药品残留余味 使我摇摇欲睡
You I won’t keep, you I won’t keep
终也支撑不住 终也追赶不上
Take me back to what we weren’t
This is dreaming
You I won’t keep, you I won’t keep
我终也支撑不住 终也追赶不上
Wait up, I’ll meet you there
且行且慢 我也会抵达那里 与你相见
Wait up, I’ll see you on the other side
且行且慢 我也会与你相见 倘若重生
Wait up, I’ll be your friend
且行且慢 我终将会成为你的朋友
Wait up, I want to hold the air—without you
且行且慢 我屏住呼吸心中才无你