It's a little cold in paradise tonight 今夜的安逸显得过分冷淡
Love faded 真爱逝去
I’m finding new forms, I'll ride it out 寻找着容身之所,安慰自己一切将安然
It's fine for now “至少当下如此”
Then you come along and I cry 你却在这时出现,任我肆意哭泣
Liberated 给予我解脱
I’m seeing clearly now, there's no turning back 确信已经没有回头的机会
And I'm overwhelmed 我被这重重浪潮击垮
Do you really want to set the night on fire? 你真的想要将这最后的夜晚燃烧殆尽?
You're my only way out 你是我自由的唯一出口
Do you really want to turn your life around again? 你真的想要让你的人生重蹈覆辙?
You know you're my last chance 你知道你是我最后的机遇
Can you feel my, can you feel my 你能感受到,你能感受到吗?
Can you feel my tears? They won't dry 我的眼泪,它们永不干涸
Can you feel my, can you feel my 你能感受到,你能感受到吗?
Tear drops of the loneliest girl? 这荒芜之上的热泪
The loneliest girl 与它孤寂凋零的主人
1.The Loneliest Girl