We'll Be The Darkness (prod. lil strep w tha strap)

-If the world is made of light and darkness
-We will be the darkness
我们即是那 “黑暗“”
-The other side
I kill myself because it's fun to pretend
我扼杀了最真实的自我 因为“假装”似乎非常有趣
And it means I'll be closer to you
假装 可以让我更加靠近你
I'll let you know when I'm the lowest it gets
我将会让你体验那种 事情到了最坏的地步的挫败感
If it means I'll be closer to you
这是否意味着 我可以接近你了呢?
Let's name stars that have already died after each other in lo-fi
The end of the world seems a little less lonely with you
只要有你在 即使是世界末日 也不那么孤独了
Let's name stars that have already died after each other in lo-fi
The end of the world seems a little less lonely with you
只要有你在 即使是世界末日 也不那么孤独了
They'd never notice if you never said a word
他们将永远也无法察觉 你是否曾亲口说过
You're the part of me that puts the sound together like a chord
你已是我的一部分 犹如汇集漂泊着的歌声的一串旋律
And when we watch each other try to change
You think we'd learn the universe will always stay the same
你觉得 我们终于意识到 这世界将永葆最美好的模样
It's a common storm to find ourselves under
再多的胡思乱想 换来的不过是认识到 我们只是浩渺宇宙运转下的一粒尘埃
Let me know that you'll never bet on the thunder
让我知道 你将永远不会拿那一抹希望的闪光来赌未来
Cuz I'm betting on you girl
因为 女孩 我将用我的一切 跟“未来”赌一个你
Yeah I said I'm betting on you so
没错 我发誓 我愿倾尽一切换一个你
Let's name stars that have already died after each other in lo-fi
The end of the world seems a little less lonely with you
只要有你在 即使是世界末日 也不那么孤独了...
1.We'll Be The Darkness (prod. lil strep w tha strap)