Into the desert, weathered forever
进入沙漠里 饱经风霜
Desperate clouds follow them out
绝望无垠的云朵 随他们出去
Seeing the future, cautiously answer
目视着未知的未来 小心谨慎地回答
Slowly the plains sideways rain
慢慢地 平原将雨分流
The days whispered and shouted and everything counted
日子轻声低语着 大叫着 一切都已作数
The signs were around, we looked, so we found
被信号包围着 我们四处张望 于是我们找寻到
Been seeking a pattern, none of it mattered
寻找一种固定模式 却都没什么重要的
Watching the sky cycling by
仰望着天空 天旋地转
Through windows of the past
We are seeing the same thing but they are not laughing
我们望着一处 却没能相视而笑
Smoke from the engine, the bones of the plain
吸着引擎里的烟 平原的骨脊
And I notice this vaguely but it couldn't contain me
我也注意到了这暧昧不清 不再能被接纳
And so I've been tamed and so it remains and I am ashamed
我的棱角也被磨平 却仍旧在 我感到羞愧不已
And I am in the strangest path
Try to remember, pen to the paper
试着去记住 笔对纸张的依恋
Caution, get out, what's it about?
小心 走出去 这又是怎么了?
The pictures are empty, voices have left me
照片上一片空白 飘渺的声音徒留我在原地
It's only the plains sideways rain
And I am ashamed and I am ashamed
That every day is just the same
一日复一日 没什么不同 仅此而已
3.Two Small Deaths
4.The Alter
5.Dogs Eyes
6.Holy Holy
7.Hot as Day
9.We Were Wealth