Momma (feat. Jocef Michael)

多少次 病痛时你悉心照顾
For the times that you took care of me when I was sick
多少次 贫穷时你竭心供养
For the times that you provided, Lord knows we weren’t rich
多少次 清苦时你搭手救济
For the times I needed money and you helped me out
多少次 困窘时你援手相助
For the times I was in trouble and you bailed me out
我懂人无完人 你都尽心尽力
I know that you’re not perfect, I know you’ve tried your best
The reality is that we live in this giant mess
人心不古 世风日下
And it’s only getting worse, I’m sure you can tell
你亲手推我入地狱 却浑然不知
But you don’t even realize that you put me through hell
我浑浑噩噩 是否前路渺茫
And I don’t know what I’m doing, sometimes I think I’m ruined
责怪你 恼恨你 又深爱你 我真是个傻瓜
And I blame you, and I hate you, but I love you, It’s stupid
不想成为你的牺牲品 自己又没有主见
Try not to be a victim, but I never had a system
只好离开 离的远远地 最好不相见
I only had myself for far back as I can vision
不想粉饰太平 我17岁离家
I left home at 17, try not to sugar coat it
有时我会想 妈妈你有留心过我吗
But I wonder sometimes if my momma even noticed
我的家人在乎我吗 还有没有人在等我
Did my family even care, were any of you there
当我躺在地板上 在楼梯上 惶惶不能入睡时
When I slept on the floor of that apartment and on the stairs
Was so scared and embarrassed
I knew that it’s apparent
It’s clear I’ve got some issues
And I blame my lack of parents
You swear that it’s all in my head, I guess it’s crazy
不愿依附你 又渴望你更多的目光 我真是疯了
To refuse to be just like you, and want more than you gave me
就厌恶我吧 打电话来咒骂我吧
So hate me, call my phone to curse me out
挖尽我的老底 再弄得人尽皆知吧
Dig up all my dirt, put it online and search it out
剜开我的伤口吧 如果这让你夜里安睡
Cut me with a knife, if it helps you sleep at night
我不会反抗的 妈妈 我知道这是不对的
But I don’t want to fight, Mom I know it isn’t right
啊妈妈 你是我最爱重
这人生 苦痛太多
Oh momma, just saying I love ya’
能不能 慰藉我一二
Inside there’s so much pain
啊妈妈 你是我最敬仰
Could you make it go away
消沉时 振作我
Oh momma, no one above ya’
那现在 能不能再听听我呢
Pick me up when I am down
Need you to hear me now
妈妈 你听到了吧 大儿子在跟你说话呢
Oh momma
要是一切都重头再来该多好 可惜事已至此 早没有回头路
我苦苦坚持 却都是一个人的坚强
Momma I know you’re hearing this, it’s your oldest son
我想家了 想我的兄弟 我的姐妹 我走的太远了
If only things were different but decisions now are old and done
一个人的节日 伤口自己舔舐 情绪自己消化
I try to stay strong but I feel like I’m the only one
人心险恶 我已是遍体鳞伤
Miss my family, brothers, cousins, I’m over run
感觉被整个世界遗弃 却无力更改
By the hurt and emotions, every holiday spent alone
受伤了就逃避 但这次 我愿驻足面对
It’s atrocious how things unfolded, and now we can’t unfold it
等我有了自己的孩子 会是怎样一番景象呢
Feel like an orphan in this world, no way to change it
他们会不会疑惑 为什么他们只有爸爸和妈妈
I get hurt and turn away but it’s time to turn back and face it
What happens when I have kids of my own
我只知道我不能就这么走开 听之任之
And they wonder why it’s just mommy and daddy alone
寂寥时 只想回家
I don’t know how to change it yo’, I guess I only know
该死 这不过是个妄想 我早已入劫难
That I can’t just walk away or just let it go
堕入无尽地狱 废墟残骸中残喘
And sometimes I get so lonely, And I just want back my family
你曾伸出的手帮不了我 你根本就没看到我怎样苦苦挣扎
But damn it, it’s a fantasy, I’m canned in this calamity
啊妈妈 你是我最爱重
I’m stranded and I’m damned to be, the damage of your damage spree
这人生 苦痛太多
This hand that you have dealt me, isn’t helping, you can’t even see
能不能 慰藉我一二
啊妈妈 你是我最敬仰
Momma, just saying I love ya’
消沉时 振作我
Inside there’s so much pain
那现在 能不能再听听我呢
Could you make it go away
Oh momma, no one above ya’
嘘 小宝贝 别哭(妈妈)
Pick me up when I am down
Need you to hear me now
Oh momma
嘘 小宝贝 别哭(妈妈)
Hush little baby, don’t you cry (Momma)
Momma’s gonna sing, a lullaby (Mamma where are you)
Momma’s gonna take, away the pain
Momma’s gonna make, it go away ( I can’t find you)
Hush little baby, don’t you cry (Momma)
Momma’s gonna sing, a lullaby (Momma)
给我的伤害多说无益 只想你明白我的感受
Momma’s gonna take, away the pain
覆水难收 但至少尝试下重新开始吧
Momma’s gonna make, it go away
你却置若罔闻 依旧我行我素
I know you had good intentions, this never was planned
我只好继续远行 离家千里
But sometimes you have to own the situation at hand
The damage was done, I wish you knew how I feel
And we can’t make it disappear but we can start to rebuild
But you don’t even think that you did anything wrong
You won’t even acknowledge the words to this song
So I stay distant and I stay gone
I wipe my tears, and just move on
1.Momma (feat. Jocef Michael)
2.Letting Go
3.Never Forget
4.Better Than Ever (feat. J. Cotti)
5.Seeing Angels (feat. Patrick Lentz)
6.Not for Sale (feat. DJ Lee)
7.How Do I Say This
8.One Shot
9.All That Hate
10.Peace of Mind (feat. DJ Lee & Duncan Burnett)
12.My Life (Intro)