Look In Your Eyes (prod Jef )

Aye' yes I was wondering myself what the future holds
是的 我想知道自己的未来是什么
Hoping that you'd come back but got no way to know
希望你会回来 但我无从得知你的想法
You keeping posting all these pics with you and different guys
But i can tell you're still alone from the look in your eyes
Yeah, yeah, from the look in your eyes
是的 从你的眼神看出
Yeah, yeah, from the look in your eyes
没错 从你的眼神看出
Yo, you're beauty is incredible impeccable and perfect
哦 你的美丽是令人难以置信的无可挑剔与完美
But you left me feeling terrible and thinking i was worthless
但你让我感觉很糟糕 并认为我一文不值
Not cuz you were rude to me and i couldn't stop your hurting
不是因为你曾经对我粗鲁 我无法阻止你对我的伤害
So i'm glad you took your love away cuz i didn't deserve it
所以我很高兴你带走了你的爱 因为我不配得到它
Like how was I to love you when i couldn't' love myself
就像当我不能爱自己的时候 我是如何去爱你的
I've been locked inside my room questioning my mental health
我被锁在房间里 我觉得自己心理健康有问题
Turn to crying and then whining about the cards i was i was dealt
我哭了出来 接着抱怨自己摊上了这些事
My mind's been swimming laps around my head like Michael Phelps
I hope your doing fine now, i know we don't talk much
我希望你现在过的很好 我知道我们不怎么说话
Lately i've been feeling fragile kinda like a straw hut
最近我觉得自己很脆弱 有点像茅草屋
I'm lying when i was im fine yeah, i just talk tough
当我说我很好的时候 那是我在撒谎 是的 我只是强撑而已
You kinda sorta knocked me down but dont worry i got up
你有点把我打倒了 但别担心我已经站起来了
I got issues and i know im prolly crazy
我觉得我有点问题 我知道我很疯狂
But i can't stop myself from missing you up on the daily
I'm stuck hurting myself and wishing you would come and save me
我把自己封闭起来 却希望你能来拯救我
You've been lookin kinda fine but you'd look better as my baby
你现在看起来还不错 但是你变成我的宝贝看起来会更好
Yes I was wondering myself what the future holds
是的 我在想未来会是什么样子
Hoping that you'd come back but got no way to know
希望你会回来 但我无从得知你的想法
You keeping posting all these pics with you and different guys
But i can tell you're still alone from the look in your eyes
Yeah, yeah, from the look in your eyes
是的 从你的眼神看
Yeah, yeah, from the look in your eyes
没错 从你的眼神看
You're beauty is incredible impeccable and perfect
哦 你的美丽是令人难以置信的无可挑剔与完美
But you left me feeling terrible and thinking i was worthless
但你给我痛苦无法用语言描述 我在你眼里不过一文不值罢了
1.Look In Your Eyes (prod Jef )