Long before a boat anchored the harbour
Long before steel drums filled the breeze
God lifted these islands from the ocean
They stood strong for centuries
积年累月 从不动摇
So it's fitting they were named after men with golden halos
'Cause angels don't give in just cause a little wind blows
天使就是不顾风浪 毅然前行的啊
We say we can when they say we can't
他们放弃 我们坚持
See what it is when they see what it ain't
他们垂头丧气 我们希冀万分
With blood sweat and tears and a new coat of paint
汗血交织 泪渍成片
We're just a sinner's choir singin' a song for the saints
我们就如赎罪之歌 唱谢圣人
Woah woah
Woah woah
For the farmer in the field of sugar cane
For the drunkard in his hammock dryin' out after the rain
献给吊床上酣睡的酒鬼 喝惨了就会戒了吧
For the teacher in the classroom kid kickin' cans in the street
献给教室里的老师们 街边踢罐玩耍的孩子们
For the captain and his bar mate prayin' down on bended knees
献给船长和他的船员 屈膝祈祷一帆风顺
We say we can when they say we can't
他们放弃 我们坚持
See what it is when they see what it ain't
他们垂头丧气 我们希冀万分
With blood sweat and tears and a new coat of paint
汗血交织 泪渍成片
We're just a sinner's choir singin' a song for the saints
我们就如赎罪之歌 唱谢圣人
Woah woah
Woah woah
This brokenness will heal this weakness will be strong
旧伤将愈 前弱今强
Let's lift our voice together as the saints go marchin' on
让我们齐声呼喊 冲锋陷阵
We say we can when they say we can't
他们放弃 我们坚持
See what it is when they see what it ain't
他们垂头丧气 我们希冀万分
With blood sweat and tears and a new coat of paint
汗血交织 泪渍成片
We're just a sinner's choir singin' a song for the
我们就如赎罪之歌 唱谢圣人
We say we can when they say we can't
他们放弃 我们坚持
See what it is when they see what it ain't
他们垂头丧气 我们希冀万分
With blood sweat and tears and a new coat of paint
汗血交织 泪渍成片
We're just a sinner's choir singin' a song for the saints
我们就如赎罪之歌 唱谢圣人
Woah woah
Woah woah
Woah woah
1.Song for the Saints