Uh, ***** - can I hold the mic? - Don't -
我能拿麦克风吗 -不行-
Please can I hold the mic? - You can't -
请问可以让我拿起麦克风吗 -不 你不能-
I would like to say that, okay, I would like to say that...
我想说 好吧 我只是想说...
I can't be a singular expression of myself,
There's too many parts, too many spaces,
那有太多个部分 太多的分隔
Too many manifestations, too many lines,
太多的表现形式 太多的台词
Too many curves, too many troubles, too many journeys,
太多困难 太多麻烦 太多行程
Too many mountains, too many rivers, so many
太多的高山 太多的险流...