GET UP (Piano Version)

I know you're clingin' to the light of day
我知道 你为了阳光而做的坚持
To tell you everything's A-okay
别害怕 眼下这一切都会变好的
And medication don't do much
尽管 药物并没有帮到什么
Yeah, it just numbs the brain
是啊 不过是脑子里的麻木
Guess you might say I'm a little intense
I'm on the bright side of bein' hell bent
我也在地狱中 努力搜寻着一丝光芒
So, take it from me, you're not the only one
所以 请相信我说的话 你并不孤单(我跟你一样)
Who can't see straight (Can't see straight)
If you were ever in doubt
Don't sell yourself short, you might be bulletproof
也千万别妄自菲薄 你已经足够的坚强
Hard to move mountains when you're paralyzed
这本身就是场苦战 更何况你处境艰难
But you gotta try, and I'm callin' out
但是你得再试试啊 有我陪你呐喊
Get up, get up, get a move on
起来 起来吧 继续前行
Get up, get up, what's takin' so long
起来 站起来 坚持下去
Get up, get up, get a move on
起来 别放弃 我们一起
Stop stallin', I'm callin' out
别停下 有我陪你
Get up, get up, get a move on
起来 快起来 路在前方
Get up, get up, ain't nothin' wrong
起来 快起来 哪怕处境艰难
'Cause I believe you can be whatever
因为我相信 你可以无所不能
And I agree you can do much better, trust me (Trust me)
而且我坚信 你还能做的更好(相信我)
Everybody wants to sing their song
So, Marvin Gaye, "What's Going On?"
Some Marvin Gaye的"What's Going On"
Ain't nothin' normal when it comes to you and me
但没有人 能在意外来临时泰然
I'd rather twist myself in knots
Than watch you give up on your dreams
If you were ever in doubt
Don't sell yourself short, you might be bulletproof
也千万别妄自菲薄 你一点也不软弱
Hard to move mountains when you're paralyzed
振作起来确实艰难 更何况深陷泥泞
But you gotta try, so I'm callin' out
但请再试这一次吧 有我为你喝彩
Get up, get up, get a move on
起来 起来吧 继续前行
Get up, get up, what's takin' so long
起来 站起来 坚持下去
Get up, get up, get a move on
起来 别放弃 我们一起
Stop stallin', I'm callin' out
别停下 有我陪你
Get up, get up, get a move on
起来 快起来 路在前方
Get up, get up, ain't nothin' wrong
起来 快起来 哪怕满盘皆输
'Cause I believe you can be whatever
因为我相信 你依旧无所不能
And I agree you can do much better, trust me
而且我坚信 你还能做的更好
Yeah I don't know why I never talk about it
是啊 我也不知道为何我总无法谈及此事
I guess that's probably part of the problem
我猜 (回避)大概也是问题的一部分吧
Sometimes you're wrong sometimes you're right
有时候问题确实是你 但有时你也是对的
Just gotta keep moving
别在意 继续努力就好
I'm just gonna keep moving
Today, tomorrow, and the next
今天 明天 往后的余生
Get up, get up, get a move on
振作 振作起来 不要有懈怠
Get up, get up, what's takin' so long
振作 振作起来 这路多漫长
Get up, get up, get a move on
振作 振作起来 我们继续前进
Stop stallin', I'm callin' out
不要泄气 为自己鼓劲
Get up, get up, get a move on
起来 起来啊 继续前行
Get up, get up, ain't nothin' wrong
起来 起来啊 事情会好起来
'Cause I believe you can be whatever
起码我相信 你可以做到
And I agree you can do much better, trust me
并且我坚信 能做的更好 相信自己
Get up, get up
起来 起来啊
Get up, get up
别怕 别怕啊
Get up, get up, Get up, get up
起来 起来 起来 起来 起来 起来啊
1.GET UP (Piano Version)