Let me take the time, I know you like when I describe it
现在开始我的表演啦 我知道你会喜欢听我说这些
I've been lying to myself, truth I wouldn't hide it
我一直在对自己撒谎 但事实掩藏不了的呀
Fall in love in seven days, a weekend won't describe it
短短七天就爱上你 这一周可以说是不可描述了
I've been trying many things, but nothing comes as close as flying
我一直在尝试很多事情 但没啥事能让我high到
In the same plane as you
有飞翔一般的快感 除了你
**** it we can make get away only for two
什么都不管 就我们两人躲的远远好吗
I know you really fond of breaking backwards, and breaking rules, cool
我知道你不爱走回头路 也不循规蹈矩 可以说是很酷了
I got a couple things, I think that I can really get used to
我有那么多小心思 我相信一定可以打开你的心门
You thru with dudes, who saying that you leaving a bruise to
靠着兄弟们的帮忙 即使他们早就提醒我你曾伤痕累累
**** it I'm equivalent, to something you ain't ever seen
管他的呢 我可是你从来没见过的神奇宝宝
Your love it ain't the same, so why pressure me
和你以前谈过的恋爱都不一样的哟 所以为啥总给我压力呢
I rather be the only one, getting these feelings, I've been running so-lo, ye
除非我是感知这等待遇的唯一一人 那我是心甘情愿的 毕竟是单人赛跑 耶
All by self, prolly would call out for help, if I really need it
只是我一人在努力 当然如果真的需要的话 我也会向别人求助
I can't really say ya, I hope you see me
其实不太说的出口 但我真的希望你能看到我
Truthfully I'm fighting feelings, I don't think are needed, you need this
说真的我一直在压抑感情 我以为我并不需要爱情
Prolly more than anybody else
Got my head floating in the clouds like, I ain't touching down till I see we good, ye
我的头似是飘在云层般昏昏沉沉 如果我们没有在一起 它便不会着陆了罢
Cuz I don't really wanna feel that low, I've done it all before, still you wouldn't know
我不想感觉那么低落 可我做了那么多努力
More than anybody else
Got my head floating in the clouds like, I ain't touching down till I see we good, ye
我的头似是飘在云层般昏昏沉沉 如果我们没有在一起 它便不会着陆了罢
Cuz I don't really wanna feel that low, I've done it all before, still you wouldn't know
我不想感觉那么低落 可我做了那么多努力
More than any body else
Like you don't gotta take that
Dudes was getting on my nerves, I'm just trynna lay back
兄弟们能感受到我的焦紧张 我试着让自己放松
Take a breath and save that...
吸一口气 屏住呼吸
Too much energy, you shouldn't waste that
鼓足满满的勇气 可否请你不要浪费我的心意
Ladies on the other side yelling you could of made laps
Getting new messages on the daily, say you made yah
反正你每天都会收到新的表白简讯 你有大把可以挑
**** it where my raise at, ye
去TM的我的支持者在哪里 啊?啊??
It prolly pending
I'm not selling short, dog they ain't dependent, ye
我不是在投机取巧 他们也没有说
More than anybody else
Got my head floating in the clouds like, I ain't touching down till I see we good, ye
我的头似是飘在云层般昏昏沉沉 如果我们没有在一起 它便不会着陆了罢
Cuz I don't really wanna feel that low, I've done it all before, still you wouldn't know
我不想感觉那么低落 可我做了那么多努力
More than anybody else
1.Love Mode