I was a sailor first, I sailed the sea
我曾是个水手 在大海中生活
Then I got a job, in a factory
后来我找到了一份工作 在一家工厂
Played Butlin's Camp with my friend, Rory
It was good for him, it was great for me
我们享受其中 志同道合
利物浦 我离开了你 再见了 马德林街
Livepool I left you, said goodbye to Madryn Street
我一直听从内心的声音 从没有后悔
I always followed my heart, and I never missed a beat
命运在呼唤 我不能留下来
Destiny was calling, I just couldn't stick around
利物浦 我虽离开了你 但我不会让你失望
Liverpool I left you, but I never let you down
我们去了汉堡 我们在那里成名
乔治还有保罗 还有我的朋友约翰
Went to Hamburg, the red lights were on
我们表演了一整晚 直到筋疲力尽
With George and Paul, and my friend John
我们没有赢得太多 但已经足够
We rocked all night, we all looked tough
利物浦 我离开了你 再见了 马德林街
We didn't have much, but we had enough
我一直听从内心的声音 从没有后悔
命运在呼唤 我不能留下来
Livepool I left you, said ‘goodbye' to Madryn Street
利物浦 我虽离开了你 但我已把你刻骨铭心
I always followed my heart, and I never missed a beat
在大洋彼岸 我们在谢伊体育场演出
Destiny was calling, I just couldn't stick around
Liverpool I left you, but I never let you down
当我回头望去 回忆酷酷的经历
In the U.S.A, when we played Shea
利物浦 我离开了你 再见了 格鲁夫长官
We were number 1, and it was fun
我一直听从内心的声音 所以我走上了这条路
When I look back, it sure was cool
命运在呼唤 我不能留下来
For those 4 boys from Liverpool
利物浦 我虽离开了你 但我不会让你失望
Livepool I left you, said goodbye to Admiral Grove
利物浦 利物浦...
I always followed my heart, so I took it on the road
Destiny was calling, I just couldn't stick around
Liverpool I left you, but I never let you down
La la la la la la ….
Liverpool …
1.Liverpool 8