Maybe I've been slipping back, heading south, carsick on a Tuesday
周二晚上 一路向南 偷溜回家 却晕了车
Missing cash, blacking out, heartless in a few ways
未来几天 身无分文 昏昏沉沉 没心没肺
Shit for luck, elbows shredded, I held things steady like too late
运气太糟 胳膊受伤 把一切安排妥当 已经太晚
Please calm the fνck down, I'll do whatever you say
淡定点 我会按你说的做
I get it, I get it, I'm living too hard and it's time that I stop it
我知道 生活太艰难 该适可而止
But rising on up and then tumbling down well it's part of the process
Bar tabs on a hot night in a cold basement
冰冷的地下室 热闹的夜晚 凌乱的酒吧账单
You say I'm crazy but I feel amazing
你说我疯了 但我沉醉其中
My mother told me that the world has got its plans
妈妈告诉我 这世界自有安排
I wanna hold em til they burn right through my hands
我想掌控自己的人生 直到它们挥霍殆尽
Don't ask me questions cause I'm tired of confessing
别再问来问去 我已厌倦忏悔
And I know that it's not much to say but I swear that I'd like to change
我知道无需多言 但我发誓 我也想改变现状
I can't sleep, I hope I stay awake
我不能睡 我要保持清醒
Cause I've been running, running, running all day
Long nights, no peace, I feel like everybody's eyes on me
漫长的夜 喧闹嘈杂 所有人的目光都聚焦于我
I can't sleep, I hope I stay awake
我不能睡 我要保持清醒
Cause I've been running, running, running all day
Long nights, no peace, I feel like everybody's eyes on me
漫长的夜 喧闹嘈杂 所有人的目光都聚焦于我
I can't sleep, I can't sleep
我不能睡 我不能睡
I can't sleep, I can't sleep
我不能睡 我不能睡
Maybe I've been freaking out, moving quick, burning the wick at both ends
也许我已经疯了 你们快跑 把蜡烛的两头都点着
Screaming loud, stupid shit, scaring all of my old friends
我大声尖叫 像个傻子 吓走了我所有挚友
Fell down on Bedford, hope that it's not broken
重重摔进车里 希望没把它压坏
Safe to say I might have had too much of some of these potions
I love you so much, I'm staying here all night
我好爱你 我要在这里陪你一整晚
Don't want to get up, I don't want to stop, I don't want to close my eyes
不想起身 不想停下 不想闭眼
I'd rather not give a fνck and end up with some scars
如果最后会伤痕累累 我宁愿不做
The night's just long enough for me to build it all and let it fall apart
漫漫长夜 足够我筑起围墙 然后放任它轰然倒塌
My mother told me that the world has got its plans
妈妈告诉我 这世界自有安排
I wanna hold em til they burn right through my hands
我想掌控自己的人生 直到它们挥霍殆尽
Don't ask me questions cause I'm tired of confessing
别再问来问去 我已厌倦忏悔
And I know that it's not much to say but I swear that I'd like to change
我知道无需多言 但我发誓 我也想改变现状
I can't sleep, I hope I stay awake
我不能睡 我要保持清醒
Cause I've been running, running, running all day
Long nights, no peace, I feel like everybody's eyes on me
漫长的夜 喧闹嘈杂 所有人的目光都聚焦于我
I can't sleep, I hope I stay awake
我不能睡 我要保持清醒
Cause I've been running, running, running all day
Long nights, no peace, I feel like everybody's eyes on me
漫长的夜 喧闹嘈杂 所有人的目光都聚焦于我
I can't sleep, I can't sleep
我不能睡 我不能睡
I can't sleep, I can't sleep
我不能睡 我不能睡
I can't sleep, I can't sleep
我不能睡 我不能睡
My mother told me that the world has got its plans
妈妈告诉我 这世界自有安排
I wanna hold em til they burn right through my hands
我想掌控自己的人生 直到它们挥霍殆尽
1.Can't Sleep
2.Oh No!!!
3.So Busted
5.Sucker's Prayer
6.Folsom Prison Blues (Live)
7.Rain (from The Suicide Squad)
9.Whistle For The Choir
10.Samba Na Sola
11.Just A Gigolo / I Ain’t Got Nobody (And Nobody Cares For Me) [Medley]
12.Quem Tem Joga
13.Point Of No Return