So in love
You do so many things with that smilin' face??
So in love
Every time we kiss, it's such a pleasant taste
每每接吻 嘴边留下的是你的清香
That's why I know this feelin' good and strong
由此断定 与你相处的感觉 是如此令我向往
Tryin' I was, was here to get along
努力学着与你相处 呆在你身旁
I want to testify you mean so much to me
努力去证明 你对我来说很重要
Let me write the fact, I mean it honestly
我将感情一一写下 绝非造谣
Life is strange, believe me it is true
人生如此奇妙 不是吗?
We don't always mean the things we sometimes do
我们总是 在不经意间伤害到对方
Look at me, look at you
看看我 再看看你
You know we're so in love
沉溺爱中 无法自拔
Baby, don't ask why
宝贝 无需问为什么
You're movin' my emotions
你能轻易 控制我的情绪
So in love
沉溺爱中 无法自拔
You don't have to worry
You have my devotion
我这颗心 全给你
This love affair is bigger than we two
这段情缘 已超越你我
Lose the faith and it will swallow you
抓紧我 莫被信仰淹没
Loving you is what I'll always feel
爱你 是我心中永远的主题
Never ever doin' things against our will
不去做那些 违背我们意愿的东西
Nothing is, nothing required, any kind of cares
也不需要 各种体贴的关爱
You being you and I being me
你我 继续做自己
You don't worry 'bout the rest
别的东西 都由我来打理
And our love is our confession
让这感情 作为你我的坦白
That we're so in love
告诉世界 我们已经相爱
So in love
沉溺爱中 无法自拔
I try to do the best that a man can do
我会试着 做最好的自己
So in love
沉溺爱中 无法自拔
The key to our success to see each other through
达成善果的关键 就是陪伴彼此
So in love
沉溺爱中 无法自拔
Baby, don't ask why
宝贝 无需问为什么
You're movin' my emotions
你能轻易 控制我的情绪
So in love
沉溺爱中 无法自拔
1.So in Love
2.Billy Jack
3.When Seasons Change
5.Hard Times
6.Love to the People
7.Blue Monday People