There's a trade you all know well
It's bringing the cattle over
On every track to the gulf and back
Men know the Queensland drover
Pass the billy 'round boys
Don't let the pint-pot stand there
For tonight we'll drink the health
Of every overlander
I come from the Northern plains
Where the girls and the grass are scanty
Where the creeks run dry or ten foot high
And it's either drought or plenty
Pass the billy 'round boys
Don't let the pint-pot stand there
For tonight we'll drink the health
Of every overlander
There are men from every land
From Spain and France and Flanders
They're a well-mixed pack both white and black
The Queensland overlanders
Pass the billy 'round boys
Don't let the pint-pot stand there
For tonight we'll drink the health
Of every overlander
When we've earned a spree in town
We live like pigs in clover
And the whole year's cheque pours down the neck
Of many a Queensland drover
Pass the billy 'round boys
Don't let the pint-pot stand there
For tonight we'll drink the health
Of every overlander
As I pass along the roads
The children raise my dander
Crying "Mother dear, take in the clothes
Here comes the overlander!"
Pass the billy 'round boys
Don't let the pint-pot stand there
For tonight we'll drink the health
Of every overlander
Now I'm bound from home once more
On a net that's quite a goer
I can find a job with a crawling mob
On the banks of the Maranoa
So pass the billy 'round boys
Don't let the pint-pot stand there
For tonight we'll drink the health
Of every overlander
Pass the billy 'round boys
Don't let the pint-pot stand there
For tonight we'll drink the health
Of every overlander
1.Click Go The Shears
2.The Overlander
3.Waltzing Matilda
4.Advance Australia Fair