1.Don Giovanni - Recit: In What Abbysses / Aria: Cruel One, Thou Has Betrayed Me
2.The Marriage Of Figaro - Grant O Love
3.Recit: Still Susanna Delays / Aria: Whither Vanished
4.The Magic Flute - Ah! 'Tis Gone
5.La Traviata - How Wondrous, How Wondrous
6.Oh! Folly, Oh! Folly
7.Il Trovatore - No Star Shone On The Heav'nly Vault
8.Recit: Why Fear For Me? / Aria: Love, Fly On Rosy Pinions
9.Aida - May Laurels Crown Thy Brow.. The Names So Holy
10.La Boheme - They Call Me Mimi
11.Lovely Maid In The Moonlight With David Lloyd, Tenor
12.Mimi's Farewell
13.Madam Butterfly - One Fine Day
14.Tosca - Love And Music
15.Gianni Schicchi - O My Beloved Father
16.Louise - Depuis Le Jour
17.By The Waters Of Minnetonka
18.The Green Hills Of Sumerset