Yeah, no, no, no, no
Yeah, no, no, no, no, no, no
Damn, VG, you made this?
VG 这是你做的?
No, no
No, no, no
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I'ma just stay to my brothers 'cause I know that we all that we got
我会与我的兄弟们同在 因为我知道我们一起吃过多少苦
Lucky I got me a big chance, no, I'm not missin' my shot
幸运的是 我有天降好运 不, 我是不会放过机会的
I been investin' in myself, stackin' the wealth, then head to the top
我用心给自己投资 积累起财富, 然后爬上了事业顶峰
I know niggas proud of my spot, I been gettin' money a lot
我知道我的兄弟都为我的成就骄傲, 我赚的盆满钵满
I try to do better for niggas, but they said "Whatever" and ran after thots
我想更加善待我的弟兄, 但他们说 怎样都行 然后随那些人离去
Not tryna get cheddar with niggas, my niggas ain't want it, they rather the block
我无法与兄弟们分享财富, 那不是他们所求 他们更想守好这个街区
I think I upsetted some niggas, 'cause niggas want handouts, I do not
我想我让某些人失望了, 因为他们想要与我分一杯羹 我并没有顺从
Not speakin' in general nigga, but nigga, the shoe fit, let it rock
寻常的朋友我不会搭理, 但志同道合的兄弟 可以随便给我提要求
I'ma keep comin', don't stop, twenty-two off finna change shit
我一次又一次尝试 步履不停, 熬过艰难的时候 终于改变了生活
Lately been workin' my ass off, each and every day is the same
最近我忙个不停 每一天都是相同
I really plotted the shit, I was locked down, dreamin' this fame shit
我真的有好好筹划过, 我被关在牢里 梦想着名声大噪的时候
Only thing left is to get to the top now, I'm goin' insane bitch
现在唯一剩下的目标就是坐上第一的宝座, 我陷入了疯狂
Got what I wanted, I know I can't stop now
我已如愿以偿 可我知道我不会止步于此
The feeling is nameless
Got what I wanted, I know I can't stop now
我已如愿以偿 可我知道我不会止步于此
There's whole lotta gang shit, still on the same shit
我整个帮派的兄弟都在这里 仍然保有初心
Broke boy, you ain't speakin' my language
穷光蛋 你没有资格说与我意见相同
Now you see how the chain hit, don't reach now, you see who I came with
现在你看到我的金链子如何晃荡, 不要来接近我 你看见我身边是怎样的角色
Ain't nobody want smoke no more, strapped up, no jokes no more
没有人想再挑起争斗, 全副武装 再没有玩笑
Nigga know how we play that field, I don't even wanna talk no more
他知道我们如何碾压全场, 我甚至不想再动嘴说
Told mama I'd get her a house, "You ain't gotta live broke no more"
我曾告诉妈妈 我会给她买一栋房子, 你不会再过穷苦日子了
Told mama "I'm makin' it out, I don't gotta sell dope no more"
我曾告诉妈妈 我会功成名就, 我不会再去沾惹非法的买卖
You don't know 'bout struggles, I doubt, I ain't gotta sell soap no more
你不知道我经历了怎样的痛苦挣扎 我想是不是, 不用再去卖那种东西
I ain't got worry 'bout wintertime outside, me havin' no coat, no more
我不用再担心捱不过寒冬 我不用再冒险行动
I remember that time I was tryna roll kush that bro couldn't smoke no more
我记得那一次, 我想点支烟给我的兄弟 他却再也抽不了了
I remember them times, I'll never go back, I'll never go broke no more
我记得那些时刻 我永远回不去了, 我永远不会再变得贫穷
My soul can't hurt no more, still I be feelin' the pain
我的灵魂不能再受伤 我仍然能感觉到伤口隐隐作痛
Honestly missin' the gang, but I can not go to the block
说实话 我很想念我的帮派 但我不能再去那个街区
High profile, shit changed
现在的我今非昔比 引人注目
I gotta work on myself, but I swear the love is the same
我必须努力工作 但我发誓我的爱从未消失
Guess it just come with the fame, silent I'll always remain
我想这就是成名带来的代价 我会永远沉默下去
I remember hittin' the stu' with my last bread, I was hoppin' the train
我记得自己用仅剩的资产 做出了成功的音乐, 我坐上了通往幸福的列车
I done lost so many niggas, my heart bled, and it won't be the same
我失去了无数兄弟, 我心如刀割 我再也回不去从前
Brodie just told me he think he might go fed, he ain't beatin' the thing
我兄弟跟我说 他觉得自己会过得很艰难, 他挺不过去了
Hop in the stu' and I got in my bag, shit got me relivin' through pain
一头钻进工作室创作 我借此赚到大钱, 减轻了我的痛苦
Look at the drip, I ain't playin'
看看我这一身行头 我不是在儿戏
**** is sayin'? I don't hear none of what you sayin'
你在说什么 我一个字也没有听清
Try to run up and we sprayin', leave you there layin'
试着登上高地 我们横扫全场 让你横尸在这里
My shooters know where you stayin'
They told me I get a body for free "Don't worry 'bout payin'"
他们告诉我可以免费帮我做这单生意, 不用担心 钱我会照付
Bro told me he catch a body for me, vice versa, so **** is you sayin'?
我兄弟说帮我解决了一个目标 反之也是同样的结果, 所以你怎么敢出言不逊
Keep that bitch on me when in the house while I sleep, I can't even feel comfortable layin'
帮我盯好那个家伙 我在家里睡觉的时候, 我甚至都不能安心躺着
Could have really did time for shit that I did, I don't even feel comfortable sayin'
我做的那些事足够把我送进牢房 我甚至说个话都要小心
So much shit on my mind, I think all the time, it made me uncomfortable prayin'
太多烦恼挤在脑子里 我时刻都在忧虑, 我因此不安地祈祷
Hot shit on my line, I gotta decline, ain't tryna put another day in
电话响个不停 我得减少对外交流的工作, 我不会再多浪费一天进去了
I gotta make sure my family eat, I gotta keep my lil' bro off the streets
我要确保我的家人吃饱穿暖, 我要让我的小兄弟不再漂泊街头
I gotta help my sister out in school, shit I be thinkin' 'bout really too deep
我要供养我的妹妹学习读书, 我要担心的事实在太多
I know the kids watchin', so I preach, I'm tryna send a message they can keep
我知道孩子们在看着我 所以我为他们传道, 我会给他们传达对他们有益的信息
I want them trenches better, on they feet, hope they get inspiration off of me
我希望他们自食其力 过上更好的生活, 希望他们能从我这里得到启发
Don't ever limit anything you do, shoot for the stars and that's where you'll be
不要给自己划定界限, 你的目标是天上的星星 你会成为闪耀的明星
I had to find a way to make it through, so many niggas was hatin' on me
我必须找到办法走出困境 太多家伙仇恨着我
Waitin' on me, tryna knock me down, savages waitin' and preyin' on me
虎视眈眈地 想要打倒我, 野蛮的家伙等待着狩猎我
Niggas that hated off better than me
I'ma takeover, stop playin' with me, stop playin' with me
我要接过权力 别再来烦我, 别再来烦我