I done been in trouble, 'bout as long as I remember
一波未平 一波又起
My momma tried to help me, but I hardly ever listened
妈妈曾苦心劝诫 我却自以为是 闭目塞听
So she sent me to them white schools
I learned that I was different
They told me I'm a nigga, well now I know I am
他们告诉我我是个黑鬼 我已心知肚明
I got my finger on the trigger, I'm a project baby
手指轻叩扳机 出身于穷乡僻壤【Project指政府设立的公共住房 在这里长大的他更易接近枪支和毒品】
A free lunch felon, and I'm hungry every minute
他们发给我免费的午餐 却始终难以满足我
Empty stomach, weed smoke can't fill it
If you don't listen to me I set fire to the building
如果你不认真听我娓娓道来 我就放火烧了你家大楼【电影Office Space中米尔顿因受忽略而烧毁了自己工作的大楼】
Need to listen to the children
即便是童言童语 我们也需认真聆听
And the weapons they concealing
同时也别忘了睁亮眼睛 认真去看 他们隐藏起来的武器
Hear the voices of a million when I sell my first million
当我崭露头角时 他们对我议论纷纷
I am bound to go diamond ain't no luck or surprises
靠天不如靠己 我定要成就自己
I am tanning on an island
我在小岛上享受日晒 给自己来个“天然美黑”
I can feel the pressure but I see my new horizons
我负压前驱 大开眼界
Me and all my niggas getting stars down on Sunset Boulevard
我和我的哥们儿在Sunset Boulevard呼风唤雨 挥洒自如
But niggas from the South Side with xan-bars and gun play
但来自南区的那帮哥们儿却沉浸于毒品和枪支暴力【Ameer不以Drug use为耀 他将自己与这些“毒品”说唱歌手区分开来】
Niggas on that 'some day'
If you shooting for the stars you only headed one way
若你这么想要功成名就 那比起好高骛远不如脚踏实地地狠干一把