Died last night in my dreams
Walking the streets of some old ghost town
梦中 我只身漫步于某个古老的鬼魅之城
I tried to believe in God and James Dean but Hollywood sold out
我费尽心思让自己虔诚 或是像詹姆斯·迪恩般叛逆 但好莱坞的票早已售罄
Saw all of the saints lock up the gates
眼睁睁的看着圣徒们 锁紧伊甸之门
I could not enter
Walked into the flames
Called out your name but there was no answer
嘶声竭力呼喊着你的名 却只有沉默回响
And now I know my heart is a ghost town
此刻我才明白 我的心 原只是荒芜的鬼魅之城
My heart is a ghost town
我的心 原只是荒芜的鬼魅之城
My heart is a ghost town
我的心 原只是荒芜的鬼魅之城
My heart is a ghost town
我的心 原只是荒芜的鬼魅之城
Died last night in my dreams
All the machines had been disconneted
梦见我的器官机械 早已停止运作
Time was thrown at the wind
And all of my friends had been disaffected
曾经的旧日好友 早已怒不可遏
Now I'm searching for trust in a city of rust, a city of vampires
此刻 我寻求一份诚挚的信任 这座废城 狼藉一片 充斥着各种嗜血如命之徒
Tonight Elvis is dead
And everyone's spread and love is a satire
众人亦是如此冷漠无情 爱不过是讽刺的字眼
And now I know my heart is a ghost town
此刻 我才明白我的心只是座荒芜的鬼魅之城
My heart is a ghost town
我的心 原只是荒芜的鬼魅之城
My heart is a ghost town
我的心 原只是荒芜的鬼魅之城
My heart is a ghost town
我的心 原只是荒芜的鬼魅之城
There's no one left in the world I'm gunslingin
环顾寰宇 世界已无人存活 我持枪游走
Don't give a damn if I go down down down
即便会葬身于此 我也全然不顾
I got a voice in my head that keeps singing
脑海里仍有个声音回荡 吟唱不休
My heart is a ghost town
我的心 原只是荒芜的鬼魅之城
My heart is a ghost town
我的心 原只是荒芜的鬼魅之城
My heart is a ghost town
我的心 原只是荒芜的鬼魅之城
My heart is a ghost town
我的心 原只是荒芜的鬼魅之城
My heart is a ghost town
我的心 原只是荒芜的鬼魅之城
1.Ghost Town
2.The Original High
3.Another Lonely Night
5.There I Said It
7.Evil In The Night
9.Things I Didn't Say
10.The Light
11.Heavy Fire
12.After Hours (Bonus Track)
13.Shame (Bonus Track)
14.These Boys (Bonus Track)