To the 3:30am waking up Paperboys
Hate the job, you'll hate it more
When you ain’t employed
I say strength to you
This one is tailored for
All the night shift nurses at the hospital
Raise their families dressing up open sores
Niggas out of control messing up the neighborhood
Just an average boy til he got made a hood
Bad boys play for good casket maplewood
Shame when you bastards gotta face the music
He who pays the piper learns to play the tune
Strength to the guardians that pray for you
And bring a few packages to the prison too
The rat race claimed a few
That Mickey Mouse house trap made for you
To all them young ladies that made the news
Them charges don’t stick like paper glue
Blame a pencil skirt and take a number two
On a person’s worth what it’s coming to
Strength to that dark nigga Mamadou
They burn rubber like Fast & Furious coming soon
Strength to that other dude
Lost a child to substance abuse
The cops don’t got a clue
She was Riri reading from the song book
Did it for the kicks got off on the wrong foot
This for the onlookers
Living for the RTs
Steep fees can't get schooled so pricey
These chics undressed nude yall like it
e.g less IQ more IG
Strength for my auntie
Who is in a better place RIP
My nigga Shaan ain't with his family
Strength to Melissa and Tyreeq
Tshidi got pregnant at 19
Stogie T scared for the laities
Strength to my country
We are now The Empire of Sheep