Running with the package ay i'm feeling like a postman!
Catch me in the city i'm so pretty i get h-oes mad!
Kaiser on the beat all you bxxches look like clones damn!
Fxxk im on a streak who wants beef you get no chance!
Why dont you come around and meet the fxxking Glock bxxch!
Charging towards you, stab your body like a swordfish!
You could say i'm back but im triple times toxic!
You could pull the gat and i still would give no shxt!
Apathic expressions, I'm rolling up in flashy fashion
Don't acknowledge you bxxches cuz we ain't cool like that
And why you reachin like you get that shxt started
You ain't about it
Mind your manners or I put you in the concrete
Like some gravel and sand
You dusty motherfxxkers biting
Like you don't understand
You ain't a gangster
You're abiding all the laws in your land
Fatty running from the cops
But he slow cuz he fat and he get caught
STRIDA:Feeling like i'm in sekiro cause i am the only thread!
It's the lone wolf coming at you and i'm showing fangs!
Shinobi execution cause i fxxking like blood!
Mercenaries black cash got you fxxking hyped up!
Pulling up with 2percent we make sure youre notwinning bxxch!
Aye i got the glockie and i'm balling like it's quidditch bxxch!
Dropping harry potter lines im bagging you to riddle it!
Read between the lines the only message is "go suck a d1ck"!
2PERCENT:Like some stray dog barking at cars
Bxxch shut the fxxk up
Surrounded by sleeping npcs
Bxxch wake the fxxk up but they like what they like
Got plastic sticking to my feet
And it be sprayed in darker silver like they metal or in streets
Bxxch get off my fxxking feet
Been draggin trappy choleric type
Catch me catching, reading facial microexpressions
Disgusted. jpg followed by ist alright
Telling lies johhny johhny 'Bout check catch a fxxking fade
Like he is visiting a barber shop