The Mikado: The Flowers that Bloom in the Spring

1.Pirates of Penzance: A Modern Major-General
2.H.M.S. Pinafore: When I Was a Lad
3.The Yeomen of The Guard: I've Jobe and Joke
4.The Mikado: The Flowers that Bloom in the Spring
5.The Mikado: There is Beauty in the Bellow of the Blast
6.The Mikado: I've Got a Little List
7.The Mikado: Willow, Tit Willow
8.Princess Ida: If You Give Me Your Attention
9.Princess Ida: Whene'er I Spoke
10.The Yeomen Of The Guard: I Have a Song to Sing
11.Patience: Am I Alone
12.Iolanthe: When I Went to the Bar
13.Trial By Jury: The Law is True
14.Trial By Jury: The Judge's Song
15.The Yeomen Of The Guard: Oh! A Private Buffoon
16.Iolanthe: The Nightmare Song