The Protogeometric period. Selected artifacts. Part of a necklace

1.The Library. Content
2.The Library. Nature and structure
3.Gulandris Museum of Cycladic Art. General information
4.History of the museum
5.Dolly Gulan-dris
6.The premises
7.Permanent Collections. Cycladic Culture
8.Permanent Collections. The Early Cycladic period
9.The Early Cycladic period. Metallurgy
10.The Early Cycladic period. Selected artifacts. Violin-shaped figurine
11.The Early Cycladic period. Selected artifacts. Female figurine of the Plastiras type
12.The Early Cycladic period. Selected artifacts. Figurine of the Louros type, marble
13.The Early Cycladic period. Selected artifacts. Female figurines
14.The Early Cycladic period. Selected artifacts. Male figurines
15.The Early Cycladic period. Selected artifacts. Figurines of a “special type”
16.Ancient Greek Art. Geography
17.Ancient Greek Art. Geomorphology and settlement pattern in ancient Greece
18."Dark Ages". The Protogeometric period
19.The Protogeometric period. Selected artifacts. Double oinochoe
20.The Protogeometric period. Selected artifacts. Part of a necklace
21.The Geometric period
22.Archaic period
23.The Archaic Period. Selected artifacts
24.Classical period
25.Hellenistic period
26.The Roman conquest
27.Roman Period . Selected artifacts
28.Cypriot Culture. Selected artifacts