The Best and the Worst

It's been one too many days wondering what I did wrong
One too many days hoping to hear the phone
过了太久 一直回忆自己的过错
One too many days feeling all alone
过了太久 总想等着电话响起
Maybe it's time for me to move on
过了太久 独自守护着一切
So I'm taking the hurt, the bruises and wounds
也许 是时候重新出发了
The stones from the wreckage to build something new
终于 我决定接受那些伤疤和不完整
Sometimes a lie makes you search for the truth
靠着曾经的伤痕 重新建立一个更加强大的自己
Sometimes the worst brings the best out of you
有时一个小小的谎言 会为你带来光明的真相
Sometimes the worst brings the best out of you
有时最坏的经历 会带来更好的你
All this emptiness is space for me to breathe again
有时最坏的经历 会带来更好的你
Loneliness is finding my own freedom
空白的位置 只是让我能再次深呼吸
Through the shame I taught myself to walk with grace
孤单的感觉 只是让我再次找回自由
One day you'll regret those heartless things you said
经过了无数羞耻 才教会自己如何自信的走下去
So I'm taking the hurt, the bruises and wounds
总有一天 你会后悔你说的那些懦弱的话
Tearing it down, down to build something new
终于 我决定接受那些伤疤和不完整
Sometimes a lie makes you search for the truth
摧毁曾经的无知 从头开始
Sometimes the worst brings the best out of you
有时一个小小的谎言 会为你带来光明的真相
I won't go back, I wish you well
有时最坏的经历 会带来更好的你
I lost my way but found myself
我不会回到过去 我希望你能过得很好
Taking the hurt, the bruises and wounds
我曾迷失自己 但现在 我终于找回自我
Tearing it down, down to build something new
终于 我决定接受那些伤疤和不完整
Sometimes a lie makes you search for the truth
摧毁曾经的无知 从头开始
Sometimes the worst brings the best out of you
有时一个小小的谎言 会为你带来光明的真相
Sometimes the worst brings the best out of you
有时最坏的经历 会带来更好的你
Sometimes the worst brings the best out of you
有时最坏的经历 会带来更好的你
有时最坏的经历 会带来更好的你
2.Fire Under My Feet
3.You Knew Me When
4.I Am
6.The Essence of Me
7.I Got You
9.Another Love Song
10.Thank You
11.Thick Skin
12.The Best and the Worst
13.I Am (Acoustic)
14.Thunder (Acoustic)
15.Fire Under My Feet (United Studios Session)