this city’s got me
posted up sideways
I’m leant dyin’ on the east/west highway
stay cryin’ for the ease of the mind
we steady beatin’ the time
we take the line and rewind it back
yeah they got me
feeling kinda sideways
my brain might lock down
before you find me
now I feel just like I’m going into hiding
my ancient neurological matrix is runnin’ thin
boutta take another breath of the hatred, and keep it in
man my whole self
became my half
I gave that bitch an ‘oh well’
now I gotta ask
do they got me posted up sideways?
is my brain locked down?
or am I dying?
these the question that are plaguing your mind
or if they don’t you’ll find
that you were never anything else
just a consumer
a leech. a parasite.