Do you think about me, when you wake up?
当你每日睁开惺忪睡眼时 你是否会想起我
Do you think about me, when the two of you make love?
当你和他碰撞得干柴烈火时 我是否还在你心头萦绕
Is it me that you see when you’re by yourself
当你茕茕孑立时 想到的人是我吗
Or does he make you feel like you’ve never felt?
Aaah, do you think about me, I just want to know…
我渴望得知 你是否还在想念着我
Do you think about me?
I wish I didn't miss you but I'd lie to you
我不想再去想你 却仍是口是心非
We're better together, not alone
我们最好相互依偎 不留你我形影单只
Ooooh do you really think about me, at all?
oh 你到底心里还有没有我
I’ve been drinking 'bout you, almost every night
I wonder what would happen, if called you to say Hi?
我惴惴不安 如果打给你会发生什么
Would you yell, go to hell and hang up the phone?
你会不会吼着我 让我下地狱吧 之后挂掉电话
Or suggest that we met somewhere alone?
Cause I’ve been trying to figure it out
But I’m so lost without you…
但是没有你陪在我身边 我十分失落
Do you think about me?
I wish I didn’t miss you but I’d lie to you
我真的不想去想念你 却仍是口是心非
We’re better together, not alone
我们最好相互依偎 不留你我形影单只
Ooooh, do you really think about me, at all?
oh 你到底心里还有没有我
1.Do You Think About Me (Galavant Remix)