Playing on the keys that my mom bought for me
When I was twelve years old
They think ‘cause I’m a name, I’m a fake,
人们觉得我只是个呼来唤去的名号 并无什么真实
I’m just doing what I’ve been told
我逆来顺受 做着人们要求的事
See I can understand where they come from
看吧 我可以理解 毕竟他们就是这样长大的
'Cause I’ve been on every show
因为我表演了很多 见识了太多的人
Now they don’t wanna know about the days and nights
When the lights are low
当灯光渐隐之时 我的努力
So shout out to my family
For always being there for me
For showing me that nothing in this life is free
感谢他们教会了我 这世上没什么天上掉馅饼
It’s all a dream
Nothing but spotlights, shining on me
别无一物 只有聚光灯 闪耀在我身上
Ain’t nothing but spotlights as far as I see
视若无睹 只有聚光灯 能够被我看见
Yeah, it’s never been easy and I don’t want it to be
是啊 这本来就不简单 我也不想成为这样
Ain't nothing but spotlights shining on me
别无一物 只有聚光灯 闪耀在我身上
See I was only fifteen, labels didn’t want me
看吧 当年我才十五 没有公司愿意签我
They saw me on the TV said I didn’t have a story
他们在电视上看到我 说我没什么故事经历
So I had to prove it, did it with my music
所以我只能奋力证明 用我的音乐宣称自己
When I become a star, they’re gonna say they always knew it
当我成为了耀眼的明星 他们纷纷邀功
Now these are the days that I won’t forget
而那些日子 我永远不会忘记
Living the moment 'til the moment’s spent
享受生活 活在当下 体验生活乐趣
'Cause nothing in this world is free, it’s all a dream
因为天下没有免费的午餐 这一切都只是虚幻一场
Nothing but spotlights, shining on me
别无一物 只有聚光灯 闪耀在我身上
Ain’t nothing but spotlights as far as I see
视若无睹 只有聚光灯 能够被我看见
Yeah, it’s never been easy and I don’t want it to be
是啊 这本来就不简单 我也不想成为这样
Ain’t nothing but spotlights shining on me
别无一物 只有聚光灯 闪耀在我身上
Nothing but spotlights, shining on me
别无一物 只有聚光灯 闪耀在我身上
Ain’t nothing but spotlights as far as I see
视若无睹 只有聚光灯 能够被我看见
Yeah, it’s never been easy and I don’t want it to be
是啊 这本来就不简单 我也不想成为这样
Ain’t nothing but spotlights shining on me
别无一物 只有聚光灯 闪耀在我身上