1.Essential Hard House Intro (Original Mix)
2.Kim Wilde (On The Dancefloor) (Mix Cut)
3.Bitch Got Hit (Mix Cut)
4.Rok The Beat (Matt Clarkson Remix - Mix Cut)
5.Traumatic (Paul King Remix - Mix Cut)
6.Duel (Paul King Remix - Mix Cut)
7.Give Yourself To Me (Mix Cut)
8.My Eyes (Mix Cut)
9.Time Bomb (Mix Cut)
10.Who Killed Kenny (Mix Cut)
11.Git Up (Paul King Remix - Mix Cut)
12.Turn Me On (Mix Cut)
13.Wanna Ride (Seanie Jackson Remix - Mix Cut)
14.Final Warning (Mix Cut)
15.Real High (Mix Cut)
16.The Hustler (Mix Cut)
17.Mezmerized (Paul King Remix - Mix Cut)
18.Burning Up (Paul King Remix - Mix Cut)
19.My Mind (Mix Cut)