You had to kill the conversation
You always had the upper hand
你我之间 你总是占感情的上风
Got caught in love and stepped in sinking sand
我坠入你的爱河 陷入沉沙无法自拔
You had to go and ruin all our plans
你应该离开我 再打乱我们关于未来的一切美好计划
Packed your bags and you're leaving home
走吧 收拾你的行装 你便该离家了
Got a one-way ticket and you're all set to go
去买一张单程票 再准备好去向别处
But we have one more day together, so
Love me like there's no tomorrow
Hold me in your arms, tell me you mean it
将我搂在你的怀中 呢喃着告诉我这就是你想做的
This is our last goodbye and very soon it will be over
这是我们之间最后的道别 很快 我们就将分别
But today just love me like there's no tomorrow
I guess we drift alone in separate ways
我想 我们分别的方式 让我感觉是在独自漂流 无比寂寞
I don't have all that far to go
God knows I learnt to play the lonely man
I've never felt so low in all my life
在我的生命长河中 我从未感觉如此低糜
We were born to be just losers
我们生来便注定是 失败者?
So I guess there's a limit on how far we go
我想 也许我们前进的路途 有个虚拟的限度
But we only have one more day together so
Love me like there's no tomorrow
所以 请你用尽生命地爱我吧
Hold me in your arms, tell me you mean it
将我在你的臂弯中紧搂 轻轻告诉我你确实想这样做
This is our last goodbye and very soon it will be over
即使这便是我们最后的诀别 过不了多久我们就将各自奔走
But today just love me like there's no tomorrow
也请你努力地去爱我 仅仅今日
Tomorrow god knows just where I'll be
Tomorrow who knows just what's in store for me
Anything can happen but we only have one more day together, yeah
但我并不在意 我只在意与你一起度过的这最后一日 啊
Just one more day forever, so
这一日 便是我们的永远 我们的全部
Love me like there's no tomorrow
所以 我请求你 别让你对我的爱 在今日减少一分
Hold me in your arms, tell me you mean it
让我在你的怀抱徜徉 让我知晓你的爱究竟有多深
This is our last goodbye and very soon it will be over
这是我们永远的离别 我马上便要离开你的荫庇
But today just love me like there's no tomorrow , so
但是至少我们还有今天 请你抓紧这最后爱我的机会吧
Love me like there's no tomorrow
所以你就这样爱我吧 我知道你的爱贪心却又无私
Hold me in your arms, tell me you mean it
别放开我 在我耳边轻声告诉我你的意图
This is our last goodbye and very soon it will be over
But today just love me like there's no tomorrow
但请好好珍惜今日吧 我苦苦恳求你如再无明日般爱我啊