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\f0\fs24 \cf0 Soothe Me\
Sam Cooke\
\f1\fs22 \cf0 Soothe me baby\
Soothe me\
Soothe me with your kindness\
For you know your powerful love is soothing to me\
Soothe me baby\
Soothe me\
Soothe me with your kindness\
For you know your powerful love is soothing to me\
How I used to ramble\
And how I used to roam\
But since I met that baby of mine all I do is stay at home\
And I tell her\
Soothe me baby\
Soothe me\
Soothe me with your kindness\
For you know your powerful love is soothing to me\
I used to have a lot of girls\
Have them big and small\
But since I met that baby of mine I know no other girls at all\
I just tell her\
Soothe me baby\
Soothe me\
Soothe me with your kindness\
For you know your powerful love is soothing to me\
It's so soothing to me\
Your love babe is soothing to me\