Looking up at the sky on this
October night,
Your hand in mine
I wish that
I could Stop time and live in this moment forever.
Life...Just you and
I. If I told you that
I loved you,
Would you be by my side
From now until the day
I die? Don't want to spend one more night alone.
I can't sleep without feeling
Your heart beat with mine.
Here and now,
There's nowhere else on earth
I'd rather be
You're right here with me and,
Tonight in the moonlight,
I look into you eyes
And I can see the future clear.
You've made me understand
Just what it means to be truly happy.
I can't imagine my life without you.
Don't know how
I even got this far, baby.
If I told you that
I love you,
Would you be by my side
Until the end of time?
I'm ready for the world now.
I feel like
I can do anything
With your hand in mine.
1.This is My Life
2.Quarter-Life Crisis
3.Peter Gibbon's Eyes
4.My Response
5.High Standards (She's Out Of My League)
6.I'm Sorry Now
7.Lend A Hand
8.'Til Friday Night
9.The Personal Ads
10.Lock The Door (Say No More)
11.Here And Now
12.Coffee, Black
13.Already A Part Of Me