1.想起我的小阿哥 睹皎 Thinking of My Fella . “Du Jiao”
2.左脚调联奏 Left Foot Tune
3.青菜心白菜心老表好良心 The Heart of Green Vegetable, the Heart of Chinese Cabbage
4.打歌调 Da Ge Tune
5.迎亲调Tune of Welcoming the Bride
6.蜜蜂过江 Bees Crossing the River
7.垤施歌舞 Zhishi Song and Dance
8.左脚调土家打歌联奏 Tujia Left-foot Tune
9.彝家山寨的春天 Spring in the Yi Mountain Village
10.留客调 Keeping the Guests Tune
11.放羊小调 Herding Sheep Tune
12.高山顶上茶花开 . 左脚舞 Camellia Blossoms on the Top of the Mountain . Left-foot Dance