Please God, show 'em the way
上帝 请你为他们指明道路
Please God, on this day
求你了 上帝 在这一天
Spirits all given the strength
Peace can come if you really want it
若你真正渴望 和平便会降临
I had a fragile dream in a gray house in the Hamptons
我作了一个易逝的梦 置身于汉普顿的灰色小屋中
I'd been there before, singing songs and doing benefits
我曾造访于此 吟唱着歌谣 做着那些对身心有益的事
Was in a room alone putting on my makeup
Like so many things that come to me, the dress came across the Persian carpet
如同我遇到的种种事情 穿着裙子走过波斯绸地毯
As I fell into the dress, a thought came to me
当我被裙摆缠住摔倒时 一个想法在脑海中萌生
Into my heart, I have a dream
在心底深处 尚留存着一个梦想
And a door opened
I turned to face the music
I was ready for the Kennedys
I don't know if it was 1960 or 1963
Everything was timeless, even me
一切都永恒不变 我也一样
I wasn't old, I wasn't young, I was just part of their dream
我未曾老去 我的青春也已然逝去 我不过是他们梦想中的一部分
A shadow walked with me down the hall, it was Martin Luther King
伴随着我漫步过走廊的 是马丁路德金的影子
All in shadow, all before me, overwhelmed by
一切都笼罩在阴影之下 在我诞生到这世界之前
Destiny, someone said, "Sing us a song
在命运的安排下不知所措 某人说 为我们唱一曲歌吧
There's a piano" and handed me a drink
那有一架钢琴 然后递给我一杯酒
The room was full of hope, a song would set them free
这房间内充斥着希望 一首歌便能让他们重获自由
And I said
Please God, show 'em the way
上帝 请你为他们指明道路
Please God, on this day
求你了 上帝 在这一天
Spirits all given the strength
Peace can come if you really want it
若你真正渴望 和平便会降临
I sat at the piano, stared out of the shadows
我坐在钢琴面前 望向阴影之外
I sang the words, "I have a dream"
我唱起歌词 “我有一个梦想”
He wasn't my old friend John, I didn't know him then
他并不是我的旧友约翰 那个我并不熟识的人
But he smiled at me, and I sang these words
向我微微一笑 然后我唱起那些歌词
Whatever it takes
Whatever it takes to be free
No, I didn't know these men
But they knew me
It was all symbolic, nothing was as it seemed
一切都被具象化 没有什么事物是它看上去的模样
They all left us in a single shot but they didn't take the dream
他们都在一声枪响中离开了我们 但他们却忘记了带走那些梦想
They were there in that house, discussing the future
他们曾围坐在那座房子里 描摹着未来的轮廓
And drinking champagne, I was just a piano player
啜饮着香槟 我不过是旁边弹奏钢琴的人而已
The voice, part of their dream
那些声音 他们梦中的一部分
I was thirty five and maybe I was fifteen
那时我也许是三十五岁 也许年仅十五
It was just another night in the presence of Martin Luther King
I was just a dream, I was ready for the Kennedys
我不过是虚晃一梦 准备好迎接Kennedys
And I said
Please God, show 'em the way
上帝 请为他们指明道路
Please God, on this day
求你了 上帝 在这一天
Light the fire, start it over
点燃焰火 从头开始
Tell the world about the dream
Start it up and make it real
开始施行你的计划 让你的梦想成真
Please God
上帝 求求你
Show him the way
Please God
上帝 求求你
Show her the way
Please God
上帝 求求你
Show them the way
Please God
上帝 求求你
Back in the room where it all began
将时间倒回那个房间 一切梦想开始的地方
My heart began to heal, I believe it
I remember the beauty of the Hamptons
Shadows playing in the sun
A voice said, "The dream is not over, no
那个声音说 “这份梦想还并未终结 不
The dream has just begun"
I spun around to see another shadow
我环顾四周 试着望见另一个影子
Slipping through the door
And my eyes opened wide, "What is this all for?"
瞪大双眸 问着“这一切都是为了什么”
And the shadow said, "Don't forget it, don't forget
影子回答我 “切勿忘却 切勿忘却
What we were fighting for, don't forget it"
切勿忘却 我们用生命争取之物“
And I said
Please God, show 'em the way
上帝 请你为他们指明道路
(It's just another night)
Please God, on this day
求求你 上帝 在这一天
(Martin Luther King)
Spirits all given the strength
(Sing us a song)
Peace can come if you fight for it
若你全力抗争 和平便会降临
(Don't forget it)
Think we're just in time to say
(Ooh, and said, oh said)
Please God, show 'em the way
上帝 请你为他们指明道路
(All in shadow)
Please God, on this day
求求你 上帝 在这一天
(All before me)
Spirits all given the strength
Peace can come if you fight for it
若你全力抗争 和平便会降临
Think we're just in time to say this
Set them free
Room was full of hope
Please God, show 'em the way
上帝 请你问他们指明道路
(I believe it)
Please God, on this day
求求你 上帝 在这一天
(Don't forget it)
Spirits all given the strength
(Don't forget what
We were fighting for)
Think we're just in time to say
Peace can come if you fight for it
若你权利抗争 和平便会降临
Peace can come if you try harder
若你不懈尝试 和平便会降临
Peace can come, ooh, if you really want it
若你真正渴望 和平便会降临
The dream
Don't forget it, please God
切勿忘却 上帝
Show them the way