seriously just stop (Loote remix)

Let me start it of by telling you the truth
For a minute I was kinda into you
有那么一瞬间 我也爱过你
Yeah, it was what it was
Sense of humor C-
你的幽默感 我只能打个C-
But at least the sex was B+
No I'm not writing this because I miss you
我写下这些 不是因为我想你了之类的
I'm  a little unrequited confused
You love me, you hate me
你是爱我 还是恨我
You're in then you're out
你在我的世界里 随意进出
You hit me up late then you go ghost
半夜跟我碰面 接着又突然玩消失
Why is your car in my apartment garage?
Why do our paths always seem to cross?
I see you're typing but don't bother sending“
对方正在输入” 可你也别给我发过来了
Here's my response
接下来 就是我对这些的回应
Seriously, just stop
说真的 你收手吧
For the love of god, just stop
就算是为了上帝的爱 你可给我停下吧
You think it's cool, it's not, just stop
你自以为这样清新脱俗?才没有 快给我结束
Dude I can't believe I have to say this
兄弟我真不敢相信 你逼我说出这种话
But seriously just, just stop
但是我跟你说真的 你快给我收手吧
So tell me who you're doing all this for
The new tattoos, the Gucci shoes, the car
全新的纹身 古驰皮鞋配豪车
Is it just me or do I see you like literally every-****ing-where?
I'm not writing this because I want you back
我写下这些 不是因为我想要你回来
In fact I was kinda over it the third to last time you came over
其实从你第三次过来 直到现在我都有点厌倦这些了
We both said it's over, why isn't it over?
我们早就说都结束了 可为什么还是没结束?
Just stop
For the love of god, just stop
就算是为了上帝的爱 你可给我停下吧
You think it's cool, it's not, just stop
你自以为这样清新脱俗?才没有 快给我结束
Dude I can't believe I have to say this
兄弟我真不敢相信 你逼我说出这种话
But seriously-
Can't believe I have to say this but seriously
Can't believe I have to say this but seriously
Just stop
Seriously you should just stop, stop
说真的 你收手吧
Seriously you should just stop, stop
说真的 你收手吧
Why can't we just call it a loss?
Why is this message not getting across?
You're typing again but please don't bother sending
你又在给我写信息了 可请你别给我发过来
Yeah here's my response
For the love of god, just stop
就算是为了上帝的爱 你可给我停下吧
You think it's cool, it's not, just stop
你自以为这样清新脱俗?才没有 快给我结束
Dude I can't believe I have to say this
兄弟我真不敢相信 你逼我说出这种话
But seriously just stop
但是我跟你说真的 你快给我收手吧
For the love of god, just stop
就算是为了上帝的爱 你可给我停下吧
You think it's cool, it's not, just stop
你自以为这样清新脱俗?才没有 快给我结束
Dude I can't believe I have to say this
兄弟我真不敢相信 你逼我说出这种话
But seriously just stop
但是我跟你说真的 你快给我收手吧
1.seriously just stop (Loote remix)